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㈠ 有什麼關於電子產品或者科技的英語視頻推薦,短一點大概4,5分鍾左右,最好有趣一點可以是脫口秀之類…


㈡ 英語作文:科技

Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing understanding about science and technology among the general public that they are the same thing of two different names but they are acutally two things. Science is kind of series of theorrtical concepts and people can accept it or not, and it will not affect commom people's life to a large extent, but it's a different way when it comes to technology because technology has more pratical effect on people. People have to enre the results of the pactical applicance of technology whether they are good or not, such as the air pollution, and it all happens without people's acceptance, for it all depends on the local governments' or even the nations' decision.
The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.
Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.
Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.
Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable.
However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has proced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Instrialization is making natural resources become scarce.
Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.

㈢ 關於科技的英語小視頻

Six a day to improve immunity

Sleep a good sleep: sleep bad and lower the immune system. T cells in the body responsible for dealing with viruses and cancer, if it is not enough sleep, T cells will rece the number of increased risk of illness. Do not have to睡足 hours, as long as the morning wake up can feel the spirit of ease.
Do some sports: sports daily 30-45 minutes, will increase the number of immune cells, will be a corresponding increase in resistance. However, the movement is too intense or if more than one hours time, the body will proce hormones, suppress immune system activity.
Do a massage: massage to relax the body, recing stress. Daily 45-minute massage, a month later, there will be significant improvement in immune function.
Make a return to daydreaming: 5 minutes a day of daydreaming while deep breathing while doing build castles in the air, so pleasant screen passes from the brain, immune cells can increase the number and activity.
To participate in an art activity: a marked increase in interferon can laugh, immune cells become more active. If the claims lack a sense of humor, you can see more comedy, funny cartoons. Music can increase the fight against infection and cancer of the antibody, regardless of what kind of music like to listen to when the health of all physiological responses to stimulation.
Exchange with a friend: a friend and more people, not only is not easy to colds, immune function than those who eccentric character well. Some studies have shown that good social relations will be concive to fight against pressure, recing stress, affects the immune cell function.

㈣ 求王江濤考研英語高分寫作視頻

王江濤適合作文想考高分 願意花較多時間練習的同學,如果不想花太多的時間在作文上,就平時背句子,沖刺階段背模板,清 華團隊研 發的就很實用。

㈤ 【高分】英語寫作牛人進! 我要寫一篇科技英文稿件(圍繞一個給定的topic),寫成後請幫忙修改

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㈥ 新科技英語作文

The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.
Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.
Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.

㈦ 有沒有考研英語作文視頻呀,看考研英語作文視頻有用嗎


㈧ 求王宇老師主講的《新東方英語寫作》 視頻


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㈨ 初一關於科技的英語演講的英語作文大約3分鍾

The control of Electronic Communication
With computer technology, communications technology, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology to all-digital fieldbus-represented on-site control instruments, equipment, a large number of applications, the traditional site of the control technology and control equipment at the scene has changed dramatically. The site was cumbersome to connect a single simple field bus network in place of the system design flexibility, easy maintenance, quality of the signal transmission is also greatly enhanced, in order to control the on-site instrial users tremendous advantages. After a long period of development, has become Hart, Lonworks, Profibus, Bitbus and a variety of on-site, such as CAN bus protocol.
With the rapid development of electronic technology in the car and on the wider use of electronic vehicle becoming more, especially micro-controller into the car in the field of control, to the development of the automobile has brought epoch-making changes in the car driving force, Stability operations, safety, fuel economy, environmental friendliness have been increased dramatically.
The application of a large number of electronic devices, wiring body is bound to lead to the more complicated the longer run to rece the reliability, fault repairs difficult. In particular the electronic control unit of the large scale introction, in order to raise the utilization rate of the signal, a large number of requests for information in various electronic units shared, integrated vehicle control system in a large number of control signals need to exchange real-time, Cambodia has been far from the traditional line This can not meet the demand. In response to these problems, the choice of network technology in computer network technology from the scene and control technology on the basis of the development of the automobile environment applies to all kinds of car networking technology.
And other on-site control, the car temperature range (-45-100 ℃), electromagnetic interference and other electronic noise-keung, environment, network reliability in the operation of the car is especially important that this not only reflected in the structure of the network itself The fault-tolerance and anti-interference ability, but also in the signal encoding and transmission methods. Automotive LAN, without exception, have adopted a serial synchronous transmission, data and the PWM signal the use of NRZ encoding, bit rate is usually higher than that of NRZ encoded using 100kbps, which is lower than 100kbps encoding using PWM.
Many well-known international car company in the early 80's on the active network dedicated to automotive technology research and application. To date, a variety of network standards such as SAE's J1850, Germany's public ABUS, the Bosch CAN, the American Business Machines AutoCAN, ISO's VAN, such as Mazda's PALMNET.
In accordance with China's automotive electronics technology development planning, into the 21st century car electronics up to the level of 90 foreign countries, will also be a large number of intelligent electronic control unit was introced. To shorten the car with foreign skills, improve their own competitiveness, relying on technology alone is not concive to long-term growth, digestion, absorption, research and development of its own network of automotive applications is imperative



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