導航:首頁 > 英語寫作 > 一回到教室他就忙著寫作業英語


發布時間:2021-02-25 11:40:15

⑴ 「他昨天一回家就開始做作業」翻譯成英語怎麼寫

He began to do his homework as soon as he got home yesterday

⑵ 你想和我一起去游泳嗎我很願意,但我正忙著寫作業。英語翻譯。

Do you want to go swimming with me? I'd like to, but I'm busy with writing assignments. English translation.

⑶ 張華學習刻苦,一回到教室就努力學習,成績好。用英文怎麼說

Zang Hua studys well,he starts working when he coming back to classroom,so he got good grades

⑷ 鈴聲響了,他急急忙忙走進了教室。用英語翻譯

It rained once we entered the hall.
He left for home hardly when he read the letter.
He ran out of the classroom no sooner than the bell rang.

⑸ 英語翻譯不少學生正在教室里忙著做作業

Lots of students are busy doing their homework in the classroom.

⑹ 我得趕快回到教室 翻譯成英語是

I have to go back to school right now

⑺ 我看見她正在教室里寫作業用英語怎麼說



⑻ 他半小時前就一直在寫作業英語

1.He is still very young.
2.He has been doing his homework since 10 o'clock.
3.It has been snowing for 2 hours.
4.She has been cooking since I was back.
5.Several of us decide to go home on foot.



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