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發布時間:2021-02-25 10:40:23

A. 求一篇關於出國留學的英語作文.字數200左右.

We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never have.
The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language ring one』s studies offers a distinct advantage when one is applying for jobs back home that require the language.
On a university campus, the foreign student is not alone in having come from far away. He or she will likely encounter many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all around the world. This is not only exciting on a social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts is later professional life.
Finally, living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world and, perhaps most important, of one』s own country. Once beyond the initial shock of being in a new culture, the sutdent slowly begins to get a meaningful under. Standing of the host society. On returning home, one inevitable sees one』s own country in a new, often more appreciative light.
At last, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile
最後,當任何憂慮出國學習當然是可以理解為大學,重要的是要記住這個福利的經驗使它很有價值的 Recent years, more and more Chinese people have chosen to study abroad. To this tendency, some people think it is not good, as most of the overseas learners do not come back, whereas I hold a different opinion. In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad. There are three reasons. First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study. They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well. Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland. The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back. For the above reasons, I think it is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese study abroad. 近年來,越來越多的中國人已經選擇出國留學。這種趨勢,一些人認為這樣做是不對的,因為大部分的海外學生不回來了,而我持有不同意見。


因此,我認為這並不是一件壞事,越來越多的中國人出國學習的機會。 網上復制的,望請採納!

B. 父母為什麼攢錢送孩子去外國學習的英語作文

Overseas Chinese history can be divided into three periods, thirty years of reform and opening up the ongoing study of emigration is the third time, this time, they can be roughly divided into three phases, the first starting in the late seventies, studying abroad is full of curiosity and desire for knowledge of the youth-oriented, with a number being retired persecuted ring the Cultural Revolution, descendants of old intellectuals, encouraged parents and relatives overseas support came overseas. Began in the early 1990s to improve the personal environment for their children to study and officials to find a way (retreat) to study the second wave of emigration and immigration, this wave of intermittent, throughout the entire nineties, from the "naked" The officials and the Chinese people get rich first drive up to the social elite immigrants began immigrants are to seek better development, better ecation, and the transfer of property for the purpose. I took after 2002, China joined the WTO, the elite and the middle class wealth increased significantly, emerging called third wave of emigration abroad. Before studying seemingly impossibly high emigration has spread to all the pockets a little money, or the house can be sold over one million people around China, there is a network survey shows that 60% -88% of high-income people want to emigrate abroad, Wen pointed out that more net annual income of more than 12 million Chinese people, almost all had the idea of emigration. Compared with the previous two waves of Immigration reform and opening up, this phase of study of emigration has significant features: First, a bit of money ever seen or been around a little too much eye point, and almost all have to send their children out whose fanaticism can simply be described as "blind" word; second, the first two stages of Immigration, mainly those who desire to go abroad to work, and to today, the uniform became parents to send their children abroad, even the parents "forced" children abroad to study things, many parents emigrated, but also to the children; a third of these children to study abroad is the purpose of the vast majority of immigrants and immigrant students in the first two parallel "to make money" "improve life" than "knowledge", "engage in foreign diploma," "transfer of assets", "see the world", etc. The purpose of this wave of students simply too hard to enre: immigration, but also their parents or by! Why immigration? Why should children to unfamiliar Western countries? I have so much contact with students and parents experience tells me that the vast majority of Immigration force behind the search for security, stability and security in the future. China's rapid economic development, the Chinese people 30 years have gone through most of the country to go on the road to riches for centuries. However, that part of the rich Chinese people, in the face of some developed countries, the gap between us and the Western presence in many aspects, but felt helpless or hopeless, so have to take the "shortcut" to the idea. Pocket money up for longer strangers outside Western nation of immigrants also open the door in order to make money, these are for the elite to take the "shortcut" to create the conditions. So, send their children to overseas, so that they may enjoy the Chinese people for a long period of time can not enjoy democracy, rule of law, welfare, stable and harmonious society and secure life, become wealthy parents of the common aspiration , has become the main reason for today's immigrant students. 中國歷史上的出國大致可以分為三個時期,改革開放三十多年裡持續不斷的留學移民潮是第三個時期,這一時期,又大致可以分為三個階段,第一階段起始於上個世紀七十年代末,出國留學是以充滿探索精神與求知慾望的青年為主,加上一批在文革中受到迫害的老幹部、老知識分子的後代,在父母的鼓勵與海外親屬的支持下,來到海外。 90年代初開始了以改善個人環境的留學以及官員為子女尋找出路(退路)而移民的第二波留學移民潮,這一波時斷時續,貫穿了整個九十年代,從被「裸體」的官員以及先富起來的中國人帶動起來的移民到社會精英也開始移民,都是以尋求更好的發展、更好的教育以及轉移財產為目的。 我把2002年後,中國加入WTO,精英與中產階層財富大大增加,新出現的留學移民潮稱為第三波。以前看似高不可及的留學移民潮已經波及到所有口袋裡有點錢,或者房子能夠賣過一百萬左右的中國人,有網路調查顯示,60%—88%的高收入人群想移民國外,更有網文指出,年收入達到12萬元以上的中國人,幾乎都有過移民國外的念頭。 與改革開放後前兩波留學移民相比,這一階段的留學移民潮有顯著的特點:第 一,有點錢的見過點世面的或者多了點心眼的,幾乎都在紛紛把孩子送出去,其狂熱程度簡直可以用「盲目」兩字來形容;第 二,前兩個階段留學移民,主要是出國者的願望在起作用,而發展到今天,則清一色變成了父母送孩子出國,甚至出現了父母「逼」孩子出國留學的事,很多家長移民海外,也是為了孩子;第 三,這些孩子出國留學的目的絕大多數就是移民,和前兩次留學移民中並行的「賺錢」、「改善生活」、「學知識」、「搞洋文憑」「轉移資產」「見世面」等等相比,這一波留學生的目的簡單得讓人難受:移民,而且是受父母之命! 為什麼要移民?為什麼要把子女送到人生地不熟的西方國家?我接觸這么多留學生與家長的經歷告訴我,絕大多數留學移民背後的動力是尋求有保障、穩定與安全的未來。中國經濟高速發展,中國人用30年的時間走過了大多國家走了上百年的發財致富之路。然而,富裕起來的那部分中國人,面對我們和西方一些發達國家在諸多方面存在的差距,卻感到了無助甚至絕望,於是有了走「捷徑」的念頭。口袋裡的錢多了起來,對外面不再陌生,西方移民國家為了賺錢也大開方便之門,這些都為精英走「捷徑」創造了條件。於是,把子女送到海外,讓他們享受中國人可能在相當長一段時間里還無法享受到的民主、法治、福利、安穩的和諧社會與有保障的生活,成為富裕起來的父母們的共同願望,也成為當今移民留學的主要原因。

C. 家長是否應該把孩子送往海外學習英語作文

The child's childhood is happiness, happiness should belong to the child's childhood, childhood is happy, children will not leave behind the regret. In the alt children think: main ty is to study, and not pay attention to the child's happiness, and only know how to let the children learn to learn. This is wrong, if the child to learn, he cannot know what is true happiness.
Every child has a childhood, but not necessarily happy childhood. The main ty of students is studying, this itself is not wrong, but parents let their children learn blindly, is wrong. The child's childhood is only one, if missed, you can never go back! So, to cherish the wonderful childhood, happy childhood, time gone for ever, don't go back to the previous time. Time is not turn the clock back, it is an obvious fact.
Learning or in the parents and their children together happy and healthy learning, so that the child's future is hopeful

D. 關於出國留學的英語作文

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives.

One coin has two sides. Likewise, different people have different minds. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abroad have been graally emerging from our society. People start to wonder what goes wrong with studying abroad. There are a couple of issues worth of our discussions.

Disadvantages of studying abroad may affect one's life culturally and economically. We Chinese will experience cultural shocks if we study abroad and live in another country. Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of their studying and living, which may be very different from that of theirs. Life is beautiful, and it is hard. If one does not feel comfortable with the new culture of another country, he will not be happy about studying in that country.

In addition, studying abroad can cost students a great deal of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so academically successful that they receive scholarships in their studies. However, most peers who study abroad do not receive scholarships. Furthermore, they have to deal with many unexpected hardships by living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily foods, clothes, rents and transportation can generate a large amount of living expenses. Often time, they need to heavily depend on their parents' overseas monthly payments.




E. 幫我寫一篇英語作文..關於出國留學的<100個詞左右>

In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.

Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.

However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.

Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows.

Firstly, they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good command of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and experience different cultures, which may help to broaden their views.

Every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can』t allow them to pay all their attention to study. What』s more, they may feel very lonely.

Through above analysis, we can see that the positive aspects outweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study.

F. 送學生到國外讀書好不好英語作文

In recent year, as people』 living quality increase, most families are tending to send their children to study abroad. This phenomenon has caused most people』s attention. Some argue that we should send children to foreign country to study because they think that other countries』 ecation is better than our traditional Chinese ecation. Some don』t think so because they believe that students should learn our traditional culture instead of going abroad. In my opinion, I think students should be sent to foreign country to receive sophisticated ecation. Reasons are listed as the following.

G. 想送孩子出國留學,如何能快速提高他的英語水平









5.用英語問自己幾個問題,如「What』s your favorite hobby? Why do you likeit most?」,然後用英文回答並錄下來,回放錄音聽自己的發音以及語法錯誤,總結改正。







2.段落之間過渡要順暢,可使用過渡詞(如First of all, furthermore, last but notleast),段落之間要有一定邏輯性。


4.要有一定的同詞替換,不要一個詞通篇出現;句式需多樣,不要全部使用簡單句,有時可以用「which,by,e tothe fact that」等詞將兩個簡單句並成一句。





H. 對孩子出國留學有什麼看法 英語作文

首先標明態度,支持還是不支持。 支持的話可以找出支持的理由,比如:出國留學可以拓寬孩子視野並學習到不同文化的知識,還可以結交到不同國家的好朋友。出國留學不管是留在國外還是回國,自己的海歸學歷都將成為孩子職場競爭中的一個法寶。 不支持的理由:比如,現在基本是每家一個小孩,孩子出國留學背井離鄉,肯定有很多不適應的地方,家長捨不得。另外,出國留學費用很高,不是每一個家庭都能承擔的等。



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