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發布時間:2020-12-25 23:44:42

① 英語寫作手冊第三版易考填空題有哪些

ou should do everything-----writing the tile, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing, and diving words----according to generally accepted rules.
1. Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words (including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions, prepositions, and the to in infinitives 2. No period is used at the end of a tile. ['pærəɡrɑ:f]
3. Indent [ɪn'dent] the first line of every paragraph, leaving a space of about four or five letters. comma 逗號 period 句號 semicolon 分號 colon 冒號 question mark 問號 exclamation mark 感嘆號bracket 括弧 parentheses 小括弧 quotation mark 引號 hyphen 破折號 Do not begin a line with a comma, a period, a semicolon [ˌsemiˌkəʊlən], a colon, a question mark or an exclamation mark. Do not end a line with the first half of pair of brackets, parentheses, or quotation marks. The hyphen that indicated a divided word is put at the end, not at the beginning, of a line.
Ⅱ.Capitalization [ˌkæpɪ
Capitals are used mainly at three places: the first words if sentences, key words in titles, and proper names.
Ⅲ.Word Division(移行)
The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables and never put the hyphen at the beginning of a line. 詳見書P3
Ⅳ.Punctuation [ˌpʌŋktʃuˌeɪʃn] (標點)
Use a period (full stop) at the end of a complete sentence, however short it is.
Do not use a comma to join two coordinate clauses; use a comma and a conjunction, or a semicolon.
Make your commas different form your periods. A comma has a little tail (,); a period is a dot(.), not a tiny circle (。), which is used in written Chinese.
Use a question mark at the end of a direct question; do not use one at the end of a indirect question.
Use the exclamation mark only after an emphatic interjection or words that express very strong emotion. Do not overuse it.
Put direct speech between quotation marks. The subject and verb that introce a quotation may be put before, after, or in the middle of the quotation.



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