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Ⅰ 常考的初中英語作文


突發事件問題是中考書面表達的熱點話題,從非典到雪災,從地震到甲型HINI流感病例(A/HINI flu cases),都頻頻出現在各地中考試卷中,因此必須重視。但這類文章的寫作有一定的難度,掌握基本句式和寫作技巧非常必要
1.one +of + 形容詞最高級+ 名詞復數
One of the biggest events in China in 2008 is that the earthquake happened in Wenchuan.
2. It』s our ty to do sth It』s our ty to help them.
3.As….as possible We should help them as much as possible.
4.here be….. Here are lots of things we can do.
5.We should keep calm instead of being afraid.
6.make +sb+ 形容詞 It makes many people homeless.
7. too …..to They are too young to look after themselves
要求:文章語言流暢,邏輯清晰,用詞准確,80—100字左右;詞彙參考:地震earthquake悲痛sorrow受到感動be deeply moved安慰comfort重建rebuild自願做某事volunteer to do sth
On May 12th, a big earthquake happened in Wenchun, Sichuan. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite sad. A lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children. Thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes Even foreign friends also give them a hand.
I』m deeply moved by these people. So I』ll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together.
As we know, our country suffered heavy snow last Spring Festival. Everything was covered with heavy snow. It made the buses, trains and planes stop. Millions of people couldn』t go home. Many people suffered trouble. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer.
從電視上看到美國正流行甲型HINI流感(A/HINI flu),部分學校停課你為你正在美國上學的筆友Mike的健康與安全擔心。請立即給他寫一封email詢問他的情況,並給他提出防護建議。
要點:一.詢問: 1.他的健康狀況;2.他們學校有無甲型HINI流感病例(A/HINI flu cases);
二.建議: 1.盡量呆在家裡,少去人多的地方;2.勤洗手;講衛生3.多開窗,保持空氣新鮮;
Dear Mike,
From the TV I know many A/HINI I flu cases are reported recently in the United States and many schools are closed as a result. I』m so worried about you. Are you alright? Are there any A/HINI flu cases in your school? Do you still have to school everyday?
To stay away from the disease, you』d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are many people. Wash your hands more often to keep them clean; Open the window to have more fresh air in the room; And eat more fruit and vegetable to keep yourself fit and strong.
So far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. Do be at ease! Take care and you』ll be OK.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
1.許多孩子地震後不能上學 2.。沒有足夠的學慣用品和衣物 3.每個孩子都應該有上學的權利
4.我們應該作一些力所能及的事情去幫助、他們,比如…… 5.希望他們能盡快重返校園…….
注意:1.可根據要點,適當發揮,(參考詞彙:school things, have the right to do something, as possible as one can) 2.詞數:70詞左右
Dear students,
After the terrible earthquake, there are lots of children out of school. Some of them are even homeless. Their schools and houses have destroyed. They can just live in the open air. They don』t have enough school things or clothes .As we all know, every kid has the right to go to school, but now they are in trouble. As a Chinese, we should help them as possible as we can. We can raise some money and things for them. And we can also write to them to encourage them. I hope they will return to school as soon as possible with our help.
Students』 Union
1. It is very important to keep healthy。 2. How can we keep healthy?
3. We can』t go to sleep too late. We can』t get up too late。
4. We should eat the food healthily。 5. We should do more exercise。
6. Last Tuesday I got a cold and had a pain in my head。
7. I didn』t feel like eating anything。 8. I decided to see the doctor。
9. In the doctor』s office, the doctor looks over me carefully。
10. He said :"Nothing serious." And he told me to take a rest and drink more water。
11. A nurse gave me an injection. It was a little painful。
12. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day。
13. A few days later, I felt better. From then on I believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world。
例文: 簡要介紹一下如何才能保持健康,並展開想像,適當發揮。要求:詞數80左右。短文開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。
All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep ring the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don』t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.
保持健康的重要性 保持健康的方法 保持健康的結論 (你的看法?)
How to stay our health /fit?
範文1: Dear boys and girls :
I』m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? As a middle school student, first you』d better do more exercise such as playing ball games, running ,swimming and jumping rope. Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals. Don』t eat too much meat and sugar but more vegetables and fruit. Third you need enough sleep or rest . Next keep yourself happy. Last you mustn』t drink wine or smoke .They are bad for your health. That is my advice. I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life. Thanks!
範文2:Dear boys and girls:
I』m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? Today many teenagers are unhealthy because they do less exercise, eat more junk food don』t have enough time to sleep. If we want to keep fit, we must keep taking exercise every day .Eat lots of fruit and vegetables .Sleep for about 8 hours a night. Stay away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs毒品 .Early to bed early to rise/get up .Breathe (呼吸)the fresh air in the open air. Keep happy every day. That is my advice. I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.
3、根據中英文提示,寫出內容完整、意思連貫、符合邏輯的稿件。(字數不少於60詞,英文提示詞供選用) . 有寫學生不愛吃學校的午飯,常到校外去吃他們所喜歡吃的食物。但有些食物並不利於他們的身體健康。「英語角」打算針對這個問題展開討論。請你准備一篇討論稿,談談你的看法和建議。
參考詞彙:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offer
We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn』t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I』m afraid it』s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn』t healthy enough.
In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well.
關於環境保護問題: 環境保護問題是中考熱門話題,出現頻率高,難度較大,必須掌握。
1. It』s our ty to save waste. 2. As we know , water is very important to man,
3.we can』t live without water. 4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. 5.But some people don』t care about it . 6.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution
7. It』s our ty to protect our environment。 8. It is very important to take care of our environment。 9. We should not throw litter onto the ground
10. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees
11. We should plant more flowers and trees。
12. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a stbin
13. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。 15.Trees are very helpful and important for us.
17.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. It』s everyone』s ty to love and protect the environment.
I』m Mike. I am a student in Huaxing Middle School. Do you know the plastic bags? Do you often use the plastic bags? I don』t like them. I think they use the wasting valuable oil their proction. And they can』t decompose(分解) in a short time. The plastic bags will make our world worse. I agree with the rule, which people can』t get the free plastic bags in the shops, supermarkets. It encourages people to use their cloth bags and baskets. It』s good for our environment.
So I hope all the students in our class stop to use the plastic bags, and use our own cloth bags. I hope we can take care of our environment.
Let』s make our world more and more beautiful.
2 、 6月5日( June 5)是世界環境保護日, 我們周圍的環境變得越來越糟糕,污染越來越嚴重……。假如你是學生Jone.,你校要進行「如何保護我們的環境?」專題演講比賽,要求:1、舉例說明環境存在的問題1—3方面;2、如何保護好我們的環境,採取怎樣的措施,舉例1—3方面進行說明,字數80左右。
Dear headmasters, teachers, classmates and friends:
I』m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I』m a bit nervous as I』ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.
As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can』t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environment ? For example ,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.
「There is only one earth」, I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!

Ⅱ 最常見的英語即興演講話題,適合初二的。附帶演講稿

my family
there are 3 people in my family. my father ,my mother and i. my father is a manager. he has his own compery.my mother is a teacher. she is beautiful. i am a student. i am good at english because i like english very mush.

Ⅲ 初中英語常見作文類型的例文

英語常見的作文類型一,描寫 記述 (與一般的課文一樣)
五, 英文通知
句子結構:人(物)+ 干(是)….+(賓語或表語)+ 其他
動詞的時態:依據文義或句子的 意義,確定使用正確的時態並使用准確的動詞形式(最重要)
被動式:is/ are + done
被動式:was / were + done
用於將要發生的事件中:will + do 或 be
going to do ,常見錯誤是,will 或 to 之後不使用動詞原形;
被動式:will be + done ; is / are going to be done
稱 呼
落 款
假設你是Li Ping,濰坊十八中的一名學生.請根據提示寫一封約120個詞的英文信和一個英文信封.
438King Street New Tom,Sydney Australia
Li Ping
188 East Dongfeng Street Weifang,Shandong China
Li Ping
188 East Dongfeng Street
Weifang, Shandong, China
438 King Street, New Town
Sydney, Australia初中英語作文評析全文下載: http://www.joozone.com/xiazai/1966.html寫信人地址:信封左上角
188 East Dongfeng Street
Weifang, Shandong, China
June 23, 2002
How are you I'm very glad to write the letter to you. My name is Li Ping. I'm a Chinese boy. I'm from Weifang, China. Do you know Weifang It's a beautiful city in Shandong. It's a kite city. I study in No. 18 Middle School. Our school is very beautiful. I'm in Class 1, Grade 3. There are 24 classes in our school. We study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects. I like English very much. I like playing computer games, football and watching TV. I have many good friends. We help each other. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. I want to make friends with you. Please write to me soon. Welcome to Weifang.
Yours Li Ping
Dear Jim,
No. 9 Minzu Road,
Zhongshan City,
Guangdong, China 528400
June 22nd,2002
Dear Jack,
I am glad to receive your letter and know you want to have some pen friends in China. Now let me tell you something about my friend, Wei Hua, a student of Class 3, Grade 2 in Yucai Middle School.
He would like to know something about your school life and your country. I m sure you will be good friends soon.
Li Lei
請代為韓梅給英語老師Mr Smith出寫一張病假條,可選用下列單詞或短語(有的要作必要的變動).請假條的開頭部分已給出.(字數50—70)
catch a bad cold, go swimming, doctor, tell me, go to school, can not, stay in bed for two days, today and tomorrow, hope, get well, because)
June 20,2002
Dear Mr Smith,
I'm sorry to tell you that…
Dear Mr Smith,
I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today. I have caught a bad cold because I went swimming in the river yesterday afternoon. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I can't go to school today and tomorrow. I hope I' 11 get well very soon. Thank you.
Your student Han Mei

Ⅳ 初二英語作文範文帶翻譯 話題:(保持健康) 速~

給你提供一篇範文,你可參考,摘抄或摘錄有用的句子。 A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.
To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied.
I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.


Ⅳ 各位學霸知道今年的初二英語容易考到哪些題作文可能是什麼

題型活 不確定 望採納

Ⅵ 初二常考英語作文題目

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.
On New Year's Eve,family always have a big dinner.Everybody are watch TV and talk.In the midnight,there usually fairworks.
On New Year's Day,people usually put on their new clothes and visit their femily and friends.They usually say:"Happy New Year's Day."
The Spring Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.People usually eat a kind of rice mpling called yuanxiao.It can take people good luck all the year round.

Ⅶ 初二常考的話題作文有哪些














7.用題記,揭示主旨,如 :就在蔚藍變成紫紅的那一剎那,也預示著無情的黑夜即將代替這片美麗,但我仍然堅信:


Ⅷ 初中英語常考的作文

今年的熱點:來 甲型H1N1流感源 衛生健康 之類的
還有傳統的: 如何學英語「How to learn English well」
如何保護環境"How to protect our environment"
未來的生活"My life in 2020/the future"
關於中學生使用手機的利弊「Whether middle school student should use mobile phone or not 」

Ⅸ 初二常考的英語作文有哪些

1) leave的用法
When did you leave Shanghai? 你什麼時候離開上海的?
2.「leave for+地點」表示「動身去某地」。例如:
Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,愛麗斯要去倫敦了。
Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你為什麼要離開上海去北京?
2) 情態動詞should「應該」學會使用
How should I know? 我怎麼知道?
Why should you be so late today? 你今天為什麼來得這么晚?
We should help each other.我們應當互相幫助。
1. 用於表示「應該」或「不應該」的概念。常指長輩教導或責備晚輩。例如:
You should be here with clean hands. 你應該把手洗干凈了再來。
You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果感覺不舒服,你最好去看醫生。
3. 用於表示可能性。should的這一用法是考試中常常出現的考點之一。例如:
We should arrive by supper time. 我們在晚飯前就能到了。
She should be here any moment. 她隨時都可能來。
3) What...? 與 Which...?
1. what 與 which 都是疑問代詞,都可以指人或事物,但是what僅用來詢問職業。如:
What is your father? 你父親是干什麼的?
What does your father do?
What is your father's job?
Which 指代的是特定范圍內的某一個人。如:
---Which is Peter? 哪個是皮特?
---The boy behind Mary. 瑪麗背後的那個男孩。
2.What...? 是泛指,所指的事物沒有范圍的限制;而 Which...? 是特指,所指的事物有范圍的限制。如:
What color do you like best?(所有顏色)你最喜愛什麼顏色?
Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow?
你最喜愛哪一種顏色? (有特定的范圍)
3. what 與 which 後都可以接單、復數名詞和不可數名詞。如:
Which pictures are from China? 哪些圖片來自中國?
4) 頻度副詞的位置
David is often arrives late for school.大衛上學經常遲到。
We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.我們每天經常在7:10去上學。
Sometimes I walk home, sometime I ride a bike.
Never have I been there.我從沒到過那兒。
5) every day 與 everyday
1. every day 作狀語,譯為「每一天」。如:
We go to school at 7:10 every day.
I decide to read English every day.
2. everyday 作定語,譯為「日常的」。
She watches everyday English on TV after dinner.
What's your everyday activity? 你的日常活動是什麼?
6) 什麼是助動詞
1.協助主要動詞構成謂語動詞片語的詞叫助動詞(Auxiliary Verb)。被協助的動詞稱作主要動詞(Main Verb)。助動詞自身沒有詞義,不可單獨使用。例如:
He doesn't like English. 他不喜歡英語。
a. 表示時態,例如:
He is singing. 他在唱歌。
He has got married. 他已結婚。
b. 表示語態,例如:
He was sent to England. 他被派往英國。
c. 構成疑問句,例如:
Do you like college life? 你喜歡大學生活嗎?
Did you study English before you came here?你來這兒之前學過英語嗎?
d. 與否定副詞not合用,構成否定句,例如:
I don't like him. 我不喜歡他。
e. 加強語氣,例如:
Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定來參加晚會。
He did know that. 他的確知道那件事。
3.最常用的助動詞有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would
7) forget doing/to do與remember doing/to do
1.forget to do忘記要去做某事(未做);forget doing忘記做過某事(已做)
The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.
He forgot turning the light off.
他忘記他已經關了燈了。 ( 已做過關燈的動作)
Don't forget to come tomorrow.
別忘了明天來。 (to come動作未做)
---- The light in the office is still on.
---- Oh,I forgot___.
A. turning it off B. turn it off
C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
答案:C。由the light is still on 可知燈亮著,即關燈的動作沒有發生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示燈已經關上了,而自己忘記了這一事實。此處不符合題意。
2.remember to do記得去做某事(未做);
remember doing記得做過某事(已做)
Remember to go to the post office after school.記著放學後去趟郵局。
Don't you remember seeing the man before? 你不記得以前見過那個人嗎?
8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.
1.for sb. 常用於表示事物的特徵特點,表示客觀形式的形容詞,如:
easy, hard,difficult,interesting,impossible等:
It's very hard for him to study two languages. 對他來說學兩門外語是很難的。
2.of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主觀感情或態度的形容詞。如:
good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。
It's very nice of you to help me. 你來幫助我,你真是太好了。
3.for 與of 的辨別方法:
You are nice. (通順,所以應用of)。
He is hard. (人是困難的,不通,因此應用for。)
9) 對兩個句子的提問
句子:The boy in blue has three pens.
提問:1. Who has three pens?
2. Which boy has three pens?
3. What does the boy in blue have?
4. How many pens does the boy in blue have?
句子:He usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday.
提問:1. Who usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
2. Where does he usually go with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
3. What does he usually do with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?
4. With whom does he usually go to the park at 8:00 on Sunday?
5. What time does he usually go to the park with his friends on Sunday?
6. When does he usually go to the park with his friends?
10) so、such與不定冠詞的使用
He is so funny a boy.
Jim has so big a house.
It is such a nice day.
That was such an interesting story.
11) 使用-ing分詞的幾種情況
He is watching TV in the room.
They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be結構中。如:
There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems結構中。如:
We have fun learning English this term.
They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
Thanks for helping me.
Are you good at playing basketball?
enjoy doing sth 樂於做某事
finish doing sth 完成做某事
feel like doing sth 想要做某事
stop doing sth 停止做某事
forget doing sth 忘記做過某事
go on doing sth 繼續做某事
remember doing sth 記得做過某事
like doing sth 喜歡做某事
keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事
find sb doing sth 發現某人做某事
see/hear/watch sb doing sth
try doing sth 試圖做某事
need doing sth 需要做某事
prefer doing sth 寧願做某事
mind doing sth 介意做某事
miss doing sth 錯過做某事
practice doing sth 練習做某事
be busy doing sth 忙於做某事
can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事

Ⅹ 初二容易考到哪種英語作文

1.根據具體的條件寫作文,如成都2010中考英語作文就是比較死板的,要求把題中所給的條件內全部串進作文里。2.主題作容文,如:寫出你所到過的風景名勝,這類作文可以自由發揮,但是要注意扣題、語法要盡量用對的、不要重復、看清題目的字數要求、時態要求等。大概就兩類,現在的中考不太涉及看圖說話等,不過書信類(1.寫封信+若干要求,屬於上面的第一類。2.寫回信,注意要把題中所給來信的問題答全)特別要注意格式(電子郵件要寫subject【主題】和from【發件人】)(一般書信不寫日期,開頭用Dear ××,最後寫Take care.等祝語,落款要加上姓名【按題目要求】),大概就這些了。呵呵,望評為最佳



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