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發布時間:2021-02-23 20:12:22

⑴ 八年級下冊英語第二單元作文看圖寫話

人教版五年級下冊語文第二單元作文指導與範文 一、看圖作文(範文1篇)----(思路:四要素,人物及特點) 精彩的足球賽 一個陽光明媚的下午,一群男孩子們高高興興地走到這片空地,把書包和帽 子一丟,堆成兩堆,便成了簡易的球門。激烈的球賽開始了。 那位頭發金黃的守門員,臉因緊張和高興漲成了紅色,雖然昨天膝蓋被擦破了,但他毫不在意。只見他把雙手放在膝蓋上,半蹲著身子,聚精會神地盯著足球,躍躍欲試。 站在他身後的小男孩,穿著紅色的運動服,挺著肚子,有些不服氣,昨天大哥哥的腿摔破時,還是他踢進了一球,取得勝利呢。他想到這,有些洋洋得意。 過往的行人都被這場緊張的球賽吸引了。紛紛停下腳,坐在長凳上,也不知是誰家的小狗,它可對足球不感興趣,它只對主人供它玩的小皮球感興趣呢。現在正無所事事地在草地上打呼嚕。 你瞧,那個帶著弟弟的小男孩,目光緊緊的瑣在黃隊,坐著一動不動,生怕黃隊輸了。 和守門員一樣有著金黃色頭發的小男孩,伸長了脖子,口中輕聲喃喃自語:「加油!踢!好!」站在他身後的,頭上系著深紅色蝴蝶節的小女孩兒,索性站起來,只見她雙手叉腰,眉頭緊皺,好像有什麼不順心。 戴紅色帽子的小女孩,彎著腰,伸頭向右望去,她漲紅了臉,雖說她沒有上「戰場」但她的心跳自己清清楚楚能聽見。 一位抱著洋娃娃的女孩,一直微笑著,眼睛卻繁忙了,一直盯著球,看球究竟在哪隊里。那個穿著綠衣服的小男孩,也許是第一次看見這種場面吧。他的小手在計算勝負,一邊輕輕搖手,一邊說:「真精彩,太不可思議了。」 看得最認真的算是那位大個子叔叔了,他看得津津有味。他想起了童年,他是足球的先鋒,那是多麼難忘的歲月啊,他又想到了將來足球事業的發展,和即將到來的世界盃。

⑵ 看圖寫英語小作文


⑶ 初二英語,幫忙寫一篇50詞的作文,內容看圖

good morning, very glad to see you again. recently, the temperature is rising. as the satellite imges shows us, the scourching days may stay with us for another week. just like what you have felt, 1 hour after the rise of sun, the temperature has reached 29 celsius degrees, and the meteorologist says today's indoor temperature could peak at 40 celsius degrees in the late afternoon. if you have not got a air conditioner in your house, it will be better to set a tent and spend your night in it. a good reminder, basing on the weather forcast,there wont have any rainfall in the next 5 days and you should be sure to make enough preparation for this continuing high temperature. thank you for your listening, have a nice day.

Here is the weather report for the next three days. It will be sunny on Monday. The temperature will be 18 to 20 centigrate degrees. There will be lots of rain on Tuesday. The temperature will be 15 to 17 centigrate degrees. It will rain on Wednesday. The temperature will be 13 to 16 centigrate degrees. That's all for the weather report.

Attention, please. There is something important. Our school will hold an English competition next Friday. It will be from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening on our school ground. Please take part in it on time and obey the rules, keep it clean and tidy. Please don't litter things. Please take an active part in it and prepare for it well. Don't waste this chance of improving your spoken English. Thanks for listening.

⑷ 英語初二看圖作文70詞急用

One day,a boy was taking a walk through the park.He saw an old woman with a a bag of apples.Suddenly,the bag was broken and the apples fell all over the ground.The boy helped the old woman to pick up the apples with his hat.And then the old woman asked him if he want to take some apples home.He refused and went back home happily.

⑸ 英文作文題目看圖初二水平

On Saturday evening, I will take Tom to a delicious snack, and I will take Tom to visit the beautiful and magnificent Canton Tower. With Tom on Sunday I will climb the towering Baiyun Mountain. Then I will go to the market to buy food, and then teach Tom to make Chinese food. Hope Tom can be satisfied.

⑹ 英語看圖寫作

he saw a bird on a tree,he wanted to broke down the bird.Then he picked up a cobble and threw it to the bird.The bird fell down and hurt.When Xiao Ming prepared to led back the bird home.A old man came to him and said to him:"Child,the bird is a life,you can not hurt innocent.Please put it back to nature."After Xiao Ming heard the old man,he put the bird back to the tree.這是我自己寫的,望采版納權

⑺ 英語看圖作文(初二的)

So the examination report is not very good. More than half of the students in Grade 8 have already became shortsighted. About 20% of the students's eyesight is getting poorer and poorer. Only about 15% of the students have normal eyesight. Here's some advice that how we can protect our eyesight. We should have good reading habits. For example, don't read when it's dark or directly under the sun.


⑻ 看圖寫英語作文

Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year
after year. After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in
the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all,
With more graates and less job
vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they
graate from university. They may start take up anything they are interested
in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this
way, graates will become more independent, imaginative and creative.
Yet this process should be supported by our government.
The government should provide special policies for these students, and when
necessary, guide them onto a correct road。




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