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⑴ 全新版大學英語聽說教程3(14個單元的)中的text1和text2的聽力原文和答案

Test One
6-10 ACCCB
11-15 DBCBD
16. Researchers
17. murder
18. Fortunately
19. harmony
20. advantage
21. boxers
22. brains
23. Even the most ordinary household items such as irons or can-openers are designed for right-handed people.
24. you can buy anything from left-handed pocket calculators to knives and coffee mugs.
25. People who buy things from the shop say it just makes their everyday life much easier.
26-30 BCDBD
31-35 AABDC

Test Two

6-10 CBDCD
11-15 DCDBB

16. course
17. prevent
18. technology
19. benefits
20. particular
21. Due
22. communities
23. they are to be seen flying freely in the sky.
24. Recycling should be put into consideration
25. consumers themselves have to be responsible for the proper disposal of their garbage.

26-30 CDAAD
31-35 BDCAB

⑵ 大學體驗英語第一冊lead-in部分的聽力原文與答案

http://www2.scut.e.cn/scuttefl/flernet/jingpinke/xuexiyuandi/jiaocai.htm 華工外語教育科研網,上面有很全的體驗英語教程,你要看哪部版分自己權找就好了

⑶ 九年級英語第十四單元1b聽力翻譯

where is the question?

⑷ 大學體驗英語聽說教程4(第三版)聽力原文

The neighborhood children my age played together: either active, physical games outdoors or games of dolls- and-house indoors. I, on the other hand, spent much of my childhood alone. I'd curl up in a chair reading fairytales and myths, daydreaming, writing poems or stories and drawing pictures.

和我同齡的鄰里孩子們一起玩:要麼在戶外進行體育活動,要麼在室內玩玩偶和房子。一、 另一方面,我的童年大部分時間是獨自度過的。我會蜷縮在椅子上讀童話和神話,做白日夢,寫詩歌或故事,畫畫。

Sometimes around the fourth grade, my「big」(often critical, judgmental) Grandma, who'd been visiting us said to me,「"What's wrong with you? Why don't the other children want to play with you?" I remember being startled and confused by her question.


I'd never been particularly interested in playing with the other children. It hadn't, till then, occurred to me that that was either odd or something with me. Nor had it occurred to me that they didn't「want to play with" me. My first conscious memory of feeling different was in the fouth grade.


At the wardrobe, listening to classmates joking, chattering and laughing with each other, I realized I hadn't a clue about what was so funny or of how to participate in their easy chatter. They seemed to live in a universe about which I knew nothing at all.


I tried to act like others but it was so difficult. I felt confused and disoriented. I turned back to my inner world: reading books, writing and daydreaming. My inwardness grew me in ways that continued to move me further away from the world of my age peers. The easy flow of casual social chat has remained forever beyond my reach and beyond my interest, too.








little,old 和young 有時可以作為名詞短語不可分割的一部分,所以可以直接放在名詞之前,例如:a lovely little girl。

表示性格特徵的形容詞可以放在old young 之前,也可放在old young 之後,例如:a young ambitious man (強調年齡),an ambitious young man(強調雄心勃勃)。

⑸ 大學體驗英語練聽說教程1(第二版)聽力原文


⑹ 求大學體驗英語聽說教程1-3的原文聽力材料!!!

Part B
Text 1
How to Get a Laugh
Gene Perret has been a joke writer for twenty years and has taken hundreds of flights. So he was only half listening when the air steward began going over the safety instructions. Suddenly Perret's ears stood up. 'There may be 50 ways to leave your lover,' the steward said, 'but there are only five ways to leave this airplane.' And then he added: 'Please return your seat to its upright and most uncomfortable position. Later you may lean back and break the knees of the passenger behind
you. '
Perret uses the air steward story to make a serious point: humor can catch someone's attention and get a message across. 'Some people can't tell a joke to save their lives,' says Perret, 'but everyone can learn to use humor effectively. The secret is developing your own style, learning a few tricks and taking the time to practice.'
The first step Perret recommends is to build up a 「comedy collection」. Note down 25 jokes or stories that you find funny. Then work out whether you are better with stories or one-liners. Don't try to be what you're not. 'Matching people with the wrong material is like teaching a pig to sing,' Perret says. 「It not only wastes your time, it annoys the pig.」
Look out for humor on a regular basis, not just before you intend to use it. Joke books are OK, but Perret suggests looking for material from your own experience. He tells a story about helping his little daughter prepare to perform a poem at her school. When he offered to write one for her, she said, 「No, Dad, this is in front of the whole school. I'd rather it was good.」 Nothing makes people feel more comfortable than self-critical humor.
Material should also fit the audience. 'The more humor fits a particular situation, the funnier it is,' Perret says. But Perret advises people to forget the idea that a speech should open and close with a joke. When a closing joke falls flat, it is almost impossible to recover.
Text 2
You're Under Arrest!
Fritz Kreisler, a world-famous Austrian-born American violinist, was once in Hamburg, Germany, waiting for a boat to take him to London, where he was to give a concert the following evening. With an hour until sailing time, he decided to stop and browse for a few minutes in a music shop he had noticed earlier in the day while roaming the streets of the city. In his comfortable old clothes for travel, he would have been difficult to recognize, except for the violin he carried under his arm.
When he entered the music shop the owner asked to see his violin. He examined it closely, and then disappeared. A few minutes later, he returned, accompanied by two policemen.
"You're under arrest," one of the policemen told Kreisler.
"Under arrest? What for?"
"You have Fritz Kreisler's violin."
"Of course I do. I am Fritz Kreisler."
"You Fritz Kreisler in those shabby clothes?" jeered the policeman. "You phony! You're no more Fritz Kreisler than I am. You're nothing but a crook who has stolen Kreisler's violin. Come with us to the station." He began to tug at the violinist's arm.
Kreisler's boat would sail within the hour, and there was no time to dawdle. The violinist hadto think fast.
Looking around he saw a record player in the shop. "Do you have any of Kreisler recordings?" he asked the proprietor.
Luckily, one was handy."The Old Refrain", and the man put the recording on the machine.
When the recording ended, Kreisler picked up his violin and played the same number. "Now are you satisfied?" he asked.
The red-faced proprietor and the two policemen began to apologize as Kreisler rushed from the shop and headed for his ship.
Part C
A Hectic Monday Morning
It was a hectic Monday morning. Everyone at our 1)employment agency was busy working on the 2) job-matching program. Suddenly the computers in our office 3) broke down. And we couldn't run the program which we knew was 4)essential /to the counselors and their clients; As the 'down' time went from minutes to half an hour and to an hour, we were all 5) frustrated.
'Look,' shouted a colleague of mine, pointing at the screens. 6) There on the terminal screens appeared a single sentence typed in by an annoyed counselor. It read: 'May the fleas of a thousand camels spread all over your circuit box!' 7) Before the laughter in the office could die down, the computers blinked and went back into action.
We were all amazed. 8) It seemed that the power of the Middle East extended far beyond the oil fields.
Part D
The Blonde and the Lawyer
A blonde and a lawyer were seated next to each other on a flight from Los Angeles to New York. The lawyer asked her if she would like to play a fun game with him.
The blonde, tired, just wanted to take a nap. She politely declined and rolled over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer persisted and explained that the game was easy and a lot of fun. He explained, "I'11 ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5, and vice versa." Again, she declined and tried to get some sleep. The lawyer, now anxious and nervous, said, "OK, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $500."
This caught the blonde's attention and as she figured there would be no end to this torment unless she played, she agreed to the game.
The lawyer asked the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" Without saying a word, the blonde reached into her purse, pulled out a $5 bill and handed it to the lawyer.
"OK," said the lawyer, "your turn." She asked the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?"
The lawyer, puzzled, took out his laptop computer and searched all his references, no answer. He searched the Internet and the Library of Congress, still no answer. Frustrated, he sent e-mails to all his friends and co-workers, to no avail. After an hour, he woke up the blonde, and handed her $500. "Thank you," the blonde said and turned back to get some more sleep.
The lawyer, who was a bit angry, woke her up again and asked, "Well, what's the answer?"
Without a word, the blonde reached into her purse, handed the lawyer $5, and went back to sleep,

⑺ 誰有體驗商務英語綜合教程1的聽力文本MARKET LEADER, Course Book1, Elementary Business English

劍橋商務英語視頻教程,全套的,可以下載的,清晰度也不錯,我也在學,我只內下了一些放容我PP里,給你處網址,你自己去下咯,呵呵 ~ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA2NjEzMTI=.html



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