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Ⅰ 英語作文關於增強聽力訓練

)聽力訓練應培養的能力和從上下文猜字的能力,在聽力訓練過程中,往往會碰到聽不清或聽不懂的情況,原因很多,有進是由於說話人發音不清楚或錄音效果不好,有時是因為出現了生詞或內容陌生的緣故,這就要靠抓字音及從上下文猜字的能力來解決問題。比如:我們初次聽《薄雪花》(EDE LWEISS)這首歌時,可能對其中兩處的歌產生疑問,一是「You look happy to meet me」。有 人會認為是「You look happy to me,to me」。但若仔細多聽,就會發現meet me連讀時[t]音部分失去爆破,並不和me相連。另一難點是"Blossom of smow, may you bloom and grow"這句歌詞中,blossom一字由於節拍關系,唱得委快,[l]音聽不清楚,再加上和後面的of連讀,給聽者造成很大困難,這時需要運用猜字的能力,從上下文進行分析,這是一首關於白色花的歌曲,後面的動詞中又有bloom(開放)這個詞,只有blossom(花朵)這個詞才比較合適,況且只有 blossom這個詞包含[b]和[s m]這兩個從錄音帶上可以辨認的聲音,這樣問題迎刃而解,所以,碰到類似情況時,首先要記住能聽清的聲音,然後根據上,下文的內容和語法關系提供的線索來進行推測,如果可能的話,還可以根據字音查一下字典,這一能力的培養是聽力訓練中很關鍵的一個環節,對獨立工作,擺脫困難至關重要。

Ⅱ 有關幫助聽力的英語作文

Dear Zhang Hua,
It』s three months since I heard from you last time. Now I want to tell you an impressive story happened on my first lesson.
On hearing the bell, students ran into the classroom as quickly as they can. But a boy, Li Ming, whose father died a month ago, was late for the class. He stood outside the classroom, silently. I smiled to him and let him came in. After a while, he cried on his desk. Then I walked to him and asked what had happened .He told me that his mother was ill and he had to take some medicine for her. At the same time, he apologized to me for his lateness. Moved by his words, I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song named 「Mother」 for the students. How time flies! Class was over before I realized it.
From the story I felt we should respect our parents and do our best to help them. Do you think so? I』m looking forward to your reply.
Yours truly,
Li Hong

Ⅲ 英語作文關於提高英語聽力具體方面80單詞左右

Listening plays an important role in English study, so every English learner should try their best to improve it. First, listeners can first read more to enrich their vocabulary. Second, try to know the topic of the material before listening. Third, try to focus on sentences or at least phrases instead of single words while listening. Then, they had better take some notes of key information, such as numbers, dates, times, directions, places and so on. At last, they may listen to some English songs to amuse themselves as well as practise listening. They can begin with nersery rhythes with texts, because they are simple and easy to understand. And it is quite useful to read the materials again and again after reading. Remember that the more you practice, the more you will gain!

Ⅳ 關於提高英語聽力和口語的英語作文帶翻譯 120字左右

Learning English just like learning any other foreigh language, is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for communication. Besides, you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". So why not try to speak English as often as you can.


Ⅳ 怎樣 提高英語聽力寫一篇英語作文

(1)泛聽和精聽相結合 在聽力訓練中,既要能准確無誤地聽出某些重要的數據,年代,人名,地名及事實,又要兼顧把握大意的訓練,這弱就必須所精聽與泛聽結合起來,交替練習,即把精聽和泛聽分成各處獨立的練習,聽時穿插安排,也可把一個故事或報告他成精泛段落,有些部分精聽,其餘泛聽。在精聽時,要首先熟悉聽力材料中的生詞,對有此難句可以反復聽:而泛聽則首先著眼於量大,只求掌握大意,不必了解每個細節,精聽遍數不限,直到完全聽懂為止,泛聽的遍數由由材料難度和自己的程度來決定,得一般不要超過三遍否則就失去了泛聽的意義,泛聽時,不宜中間打斷,要一氣呵成,精聽則可在句子之間或困難之處停下機器,倒帶重聽。興泛不精,會養成似是而非,不求甚解的習慣,反之,則見樹不見林,抓不住大意。所以這兩種訓練哪一種也不應偏廢。 (2)聽力訓練應培養的能力和從上下文猜字的能力,在聽力訓練過程中,往往會碰到聽不清或聽不懂的情況,原因很多,有進是由於說話人發音不清楚或錄音效果不好,有時是因為出現了生詞或內容陌生的緣故,這就要靠抓字音及從上下文猜字的能力來解決問題。比如:我們初次聽《薄雪花》(EDE LWEISS)這首歌時,可能對其中兩處的歌產生疑問,一是「You look happy to meet me」。有 人會認為是「You look happy to me,to me」。但若仔細多聽,就會發現meet me連讀時[t]音部分失去爆破,並不和me相連。另一難點是"Blossom of smow, may you bloom and grow"這句歌詞中,blossom一字由於節拍關系,唱得委快,[l]音聽不清楚,再加上和後面的of連讀,給聽者造成很大困難,這時需要運用猜字的能力,從上下文進行分析,這是一首關於白色花的歌曲,後面的動詞中又有bloom(開放)這個詞,只有blossom(花朵)這個詞才比較合適,況且只有 blossom這個詞包含[b]和[s m]這兩個從錄音帶上可以辨認的聲音,這樣問題迎刃而解,所以,碰到類似情況時,首先要記住能聽清的聲音,然後根據上,下文的內容和語法關系提供的線索來進行推測,如果可能的話,還可以根據字音查一下字典,這一能力的培養是聽力訓練中很關鍵的一個環節,對獨立工作,擺脫困難至關重要。 2)排除雜音和各種干擾的能力:為國培養這一能力,要多聽新聞廣播,聽那些看不見說話人口形的錄音報告,要逐漸適應人們說話進加上 「well」,「eh」之類填充語(hesitation fillers)的習慣,以及有時說了一半忽然轉念另起一句話的現象,還要努力做到能把錄音不清楚不一詞半語,或者講演者降低聲音,很快一帶而過的詞句正確地補充出來。 3)要有適應英國音,美國音及一些主要方言的能力:聽力訓練可以採取從一種音入手,再逐步過渡到另一種音的辦法。為了更快的掌握聽好英國音和美國音的能力,學習者可以主動歸納或對比兩種英語在發音,語調上的差別,以便更好地渡過這一關。如美國人在or,er等組合字母後面還要加上[r]音: doctor[ ](英音),[ ](美音):把[a:]音發為[ ]音:can't[ka:nt](英音),[k nt](美音)等發音特點。對英格蘭北部,蘇格蘭地區有此特殊的發音和用字,以及美國黑人英語,澳大利亞,紐西蘭英語中的一些變異現象,如無特殊需要,一般可以不練,不學。但適當有一些了解,聽一,兩個樣品錄音也有好處。 (4)聽力訓練的時間安排聽力訓練需要思想高度集中,故時間安排以每天精神最佳時候為宜。而且,時間不宜過長,第要連續聽一小時以上。聽力又是習慣成自然的技巧訓練,所以每天安排一段時間。不能三天打魚,兩天曬網,更不能聽一段時間後,就一扔半年,一年。

Ⅵ 如何保護聽力為題的一篇英語作文,60詞左右

First,you should have a good understanding of the grammar rules and enough vocabulary.You spoken English also have a great impact on your listening.Because if you pronouce some words wrong,you won't understand when you hear the right pronuciation.You should start from word dictation,then setence dictation and finally,passenge.If you already have some foundation,you can omit the first step and start from the second one.What's more,you should read more English materials in your spare time,because reading can be very helpful to your listening.And immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment if you can.It can be talking with some friends in English or watching an English vedio.The important thing you should keep in mind is that you must act according to your own level of English.

Ⅶ 關於提高英語聽力的英語作文帶翻譯


Ⅷ 英語聽力, 英語作文


Ⅸ 關於英語的聽力~作文





Ⅹ 英語作文講述你准備聽力的故事

When I was growing up took place in the story as many of the stars in the sky, countless numbers of which have a very deep thing, and that is by bike.
my six-year-old when grandpa bought me a bicycle, as the wheels are about the bike, so it will not fall. Frequently as a child to ride, then ride a little love, has been placed on the garage, since the plot has been covered by a thick layer of ash.

One day I go home I saw a tall and almost high-skilled boy riding a bicycle to the area where high speed, power and prestige really ah! I want to go home after quarreling with her mother on the bike's two wheels removed. Mom said to me: "small wheel, you will fall down by the pain." I said: "I do not Pateng." Finally, I fail to beat the mother, only two small wheels removed.

The next day happened to be Sunday, the weather was fine in particular, my mother has to rest at home. She took early in the morning, I called up, I wonder what my mother asked, her mother said: "Today you are taught to ride a bike." I am ecstatic, quickly changed pajamas. To bike from the garage to launch the beginning I held on to her mother riding a bike, his mother a hand-song, I fall on the legs in the air. I finally could not insist on, shouted out: "I do not practiced." Furious and ready to go home. Then my mother said to me loudly: "coward, it can not stand the pain all, we must not afraid of hard work, can not give up halfway." And then she gently said: "I am sure you will succeed!"

Mother's words to encourage me, I also ride a hurt ailing, fell again and again. Finally, my mother let go of the hands, but I was riding a bicycle, did not fall. "I was successful." I cried.

It is my growing a small episode. But the matter through the left I see no matter what kind of difficulties, we should have confidence and perseverance.



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