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⑴ 英語演講關於提高英語聽力口語

自己寫的 希望有幫助
To improve your English listening, the interest is the first point that you should care about. The improvement is always based on your passion for English listening. You can watch some simple but interesting English movies to discover the amusement.The second step is to tell yourself when you find some words too hard to understand whilst you listen,don't be worried and let them go.Thus you can grasp the following words,and you should believe a single word won't stop you from comprehending the audition.Thirdly,the English language possesses a vivid saying that Practise Makes Perfect,so it's essential
to seize the opportunity of listening English news,for instance,BBC CNN and VOA.You can just listen for the first few times,then read the text to find the details you've missed. Listen again, and you'll find it easy to understand the whole passage.
To sum up, the three points to improve English listening is interest,confidence and patience.
Adhere to them!
May you succeed~

⑵ 有哪些練習英語聽力的軟體


⑶ 求各種英文演講、聽力材料MP3

告訴我你qq號 我發給你

⑷ 有演講的英語聽力a pp


⑸ 高中英語演講稿 帶聽力

As we all know from junior school , one plus one are two ! This is the common sense for all of us ! But have you thought of that one plus one are not two ? Yes , you have not miss the answer ,I have said that the answer was not two . In fact ,the answer was not very clear nowdays , because everything has changed by the advanced knowledge , maybe two people nowdays could do as much as three or four people's work ! there are many more examples to express this ! Is one plus one two ?

⑹ 跪求英文演講聽力材料(原文+MP3),要英式發音,不要美式!!


⑺ 哪有英語演講類聽力的下載

采訪小記:在潛意識里,總覺得英語要學的好都有點外因,要麼就是國外背景,英語比漢語溜;要麼就是從小學雙語,培養了良好的語感和思維;要麼就是生活中可以經常說外語。純粹沒有外因的都是英語狂人,會把經典材料翻來覆去看個百八十遍爛熟於心。 但是和孫飴聊天之後卻發現,她不屬於上面的任何一種。但這個華東師范大學英語專業大三的女生在第十三屆「21世紀·聯想杯」全國英語演講比賽中還是獲得了一等獎,並拿下了「BBC中國網最佳即席演說獎」這個單項獎。 聊天中,我自然會向孫飴討教英語學習尤其是口語學習的「秘訣」。孫飴並沒有「指點」我,而是親切熱心的和我分享她學習的一些方法,讓我受益匪淺。相信這些一定能讓網路那一端的你有所收獲。 我因為這次演講比賽知道了孫飴,所以我們的話題自然從演講比賽開始。 ——Judy 演講大賽:從最低一層脫穎而出 「我在後台很緊張,上了台反而會好。一走上台就覺得豁出去了那種感覺。」 ——孫飴 Judy:大家好,歡迎孫飴來到我們滬江網做客。 孫飴:滬江的網友們大家好。 Judy:孫飴這次拿到了全國英語演講大賽的一等獎和「BBC中國網即席演說獎」,之前是怎麼想到參加這次演講大賽的呢? 孫飴:我們學校參加這個比賽也參加了好幾屆了,所以當時是老師跟我們英語系的學生說了這件事情,如果願意參加就准備材料把音頻上傳到大賽的組委會去。然後由組委會進行網路選拔。 Judy:學校的代表是學校先進行一輪選拔的嗎? 孫飴:不是的,是21世紀報的評委會根據選手在音頻中的表現挑選幾個人進行電話面試,由他們來選拔最後由誰來代表學校。去年我是直接從最低一層開始的,今年因為我們學校進入了前十,所以可以直接參加總決賽,應該就是學校來選拔代表學校的選手了。 Judy:你喜歡演講嗎? 孫飴:以前也沒怎麼接觸過演講,大二的時候系裡開了一門朗讀技巧的選修課。課上老師會糾正一些語音語調,進行一些演講的訓練。上課的劉森老師也是我後來演講的指導老師。我覺得課堂上得到的鍛煉很大,後來就開始對演講感興趣了。 Judy:提到演講,中文的演講通常要聲情並茂或者要比較「煽情」,你覺得什麼樣的英文演講算是好的演講呢? 孫飴:英文演講其實也需要聲情並茂,好的演講我覺得就是觀點清晰,思路明確就可以了。演講的觀點不一定要很標新立異。只是需要很有邏輯的把自己的觀點表達出來。另外Body language也很重要,評委們都認為肢體語言可以很好的體現人的性格,可以看出人的整體素質,還有眼神交流等等。 Judy:這次給定題目的演講准備了多長時間呢? 孫飴:東部賽區的比賽准備了一個月,決賽其實三、四月份都可以准備,但我是師范專業,那時候正好我們教育實習,我在浦東實習,演講訓練在普陀區的本部,我住在閔行校區,所以那時候是三個地方跑來跑去的。每個星期跟老師也就見一兩次面,稿子也是決賽前不久才最後敲定的。 Judy:這次演講比賽學校里是有老師專門指導的,演講比賽的話老師一般是從什麼方面進行指導呢? 孫飴:主要還是訓練思路,因為像發音基本上已經固定了,很難在短時間內得到改變,而演講中很多環節需要看現場反應,還有一些時事方面或者哲學人生方面的問題,需要積累很多知識。平時雖然我也關心這些,但不會特意注意歸類,參加比賽老師會在這些方面加以指導。另外就是臨場反應,我講完自己的演講稿,老師會根據稿子做一些提問。 Judy:這次演講比賽半決賽的話題是講校園生活的,決賽就是全球化這樣很大的話題。 孫飴:對,但其實我覺得還是半決賽的稿子更難寫。大學生生活雖然和我們很貼近,但其實大家的感受都差不多,要寫出新意還是不容易的。而決賽的Globalization已經講過很多年了,以前演講比賽也出過和全球化相關的題目,從這個角度來說,我個人感覺這個比校園生活還要好寫一些。 Judy:那麼演講的時候使用的詞彙通常是很常用的還是很高深比如要考GRE才會考到的詞彙呢? 孫飴:一般不會用很高深的詞彙,演講嘛主要還是自己講,肯定要用自己說得出來的詞來講,要把一些積極詞彙拿出來用。再有站在台上也有點緊張,所以肯定是自己最自然的反應,平時怎麼說就是怎麼說的。都是從最基本的開始。 GRE的詞彙我也沒有特意背過,還是把平時生活中的詞彙用到。我們其實很多詞彙我們都認識但西方人用的用法我們都不會。 Judy:對,很多常用詞我們用的可能都不是很地道。 孫飴:對,像我這次去英國(註:孫飴拿到BBC中文網的單項獎,獎品是到英國倫敦的BBC廣播公司實習兩周),看他們的《每日電訊》等報紙,比如「bag」這個詞,報紙上就會出現很多動詞用法,比如「bag one girlfriend」這樣的,bag表示「我想把……收入囊中」,這里說「我想找個女朋友」。像這樣的用法我們以前都不知道,我覺得能把這種基本的詞用透就可以了,不需要多麼高深的詞彙。 Judy:有沒有可以模仿過名人的演講?比如美國總統就職演說什麼的? 孫飴:男生可能會的,女演講者本來就不多,所以也沒有太多可模仿的。女生的話這方面資源本來就比較少,還是多突出自己的風格比較好。大賽還是很注重儀態端莊、內容嚴肅的,可以講生活經歷,國外評委比較注重個人經歷,也很反感大話套話的。 Judy:即席演說是怎麼進行的呢? 孫飴:即席演說是抽簽的,我的半決賽題目抽到的是問喜歡travel with somebody還是travel alone,如果可以travel to the moon, who would you take這樣的。我就說我喜歡travel with a companion,如果我可以travel to the moon的話,我會帶上我的母親,因為小時候她帶我看世界,現在我要帶她看世界。即席演講差不多就兩分鍾,評委也知道有難度,所以只要邏輯清晰就可以了。 Judy:會不會遇到覺得沒有話說的題目? 孫飴:我覺得我決賽題目就沒什麼話說的,雖然決賽的題目讓我拿到了即席演說獎。那個題目剛開始看真的覺得挺蒙的。說的是《美國黑幫》中有一句話「Either you are somebody, or you are nobody.」這部電影我還沒看過,開始連這句話我都沒看明白,後來仔細揣摩了一下這句話,我就講了喬丹怎麼樣激勵我,以這個為主題講了這個演講。 Judy:即席演講抽到題目之後會有準備時間的吧。 孫飴:它是和已備演講連貫起來的。我們是抽到題目准備15分鍾之後要從已備演講開始講,講到即席演講的時候其實准備的很多東西已經忘了。大概就是有個條理框框。其實也就沒什麼准備了,就是告訴你有這個題目而已。 Judy:講的時候有沒有擔心會犯語法錯誤什麼的? 孫飴:小的語法錯誤肯定會有的,像第三人稱單數加-s,這種經常會忘記。還是要靠平時多訓練吧,台上一緊張肯定容易犯錯誤,平時練習的時候語法錯誤還是犯的滿多,講多了就好了。主要注意一下單復數之類的小問題就可以了。 Judy:時態語態什麼的會有問題嗎? 孫飴:已備演講都是事先背好的,所以不會有問題。即席演講的話像travel to the moon這種肯定是將來的,先在心裡定好這一點就沒什麼問題,像《美國黑幫》的那個屬於哲理類的,一般就是現在時,也不會有什麼問題。 Judy:那有沒有講到什麼話的時候想想一句話用什麼動詞比較合適的? 孫飴:這個基本沒時間想,都是自己平時的積極詞彙。 Judy:上台會不會緊張到大腦一片空白的? 孫飴:不會,我是在後台很緊張的,上了台反而會好。一走上台就覺得豁出去了那種感覺。 Judy:很多人都擔心演講會忘詞或者怎麼,其實如果事先准備充分的話,可能下意識就會說出自己的稿子。 孫飴:是的。參加演講比賽,已備演講一定要說的很熟很熟,這樣也是給自己一個心理安慰,別人講話時也能背出來,別人唱歌的時候也能背出來。有的時候我就怕自己忘詞,所以寢室里吃完飯,她們在聊天,我就在心裡講,背到最後就很熟了。到最後就脫口而出了。 Judy:你覺得背完的稿子能記多久?會不會從台上下來之後就忘記了? 孫飴:准備的時候肯定不會忘的,現在不背了忘的也快,只能記得准備了什麼東西,但是具體的句子都不記得了。 Judy:很多人都覺得學英語要背名家名篇、優美散文,你覺得從學習的角度來講,這種背誦的作用大不大? 孫飴:我覺得作用還是很大的,特別是很多人說背新概念。但是像我背過之後就忘了,沒有積累。所以如果要背誦的話,背完了之後一定要鞏固。像新概念要不僅能背出來,還要會用。 Judy:就是純背是沒什麼作用的。 孫飴:其實也有作用的,我有同學去上輔導班,教新概念的老師就背的很熟,甚至能用rap唱出來,我覺得背到那個程度一定會有用處吧。當然背不到那種程度的話還是提煉一些詞彙出來用用比較好。 聽完BBC,到這里來練口語吧

⑻ 英文演講視頻原文人工聽力


I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you have been working toward that dream. But that dream that you're holding in your mind – that it's possible. That some of you already know that it's hard. It's not easy. It's hard changing your life.

That in the process of working on your dreams, you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. There are moments when you are going to doubt yourself. You'll say,「Why, God? Why? Why is this happening to me? I'm just trying to take care of my children, and my mother. I'm not trying to steal or rob from anybody. How did this have to happen to me?」 For those of you that have experienced some hardships – don't give up on your dream. There are rough times that are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass.

Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It is something that truly exists in all of us. It's very important for you to believe that you are the one!

Most people….they raise a family, they earn a living, and then they die. They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, they stop pushing themselves. Then a lot of people like to complain but they don't wanna do anything about their situation. And most people don't work on their dreams. Why? One is because of fear – the fear of failure. 「What if things don't work out?. And the fear of success. "What if they DO and I can't handle it?. These are not risk takers.

You've spent so much time with other people. You've spent SO MUCH TIME trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself! You've studied them, you know about them, you want to hang out like them, you want to be JUST LIKE THEM! And you know what? You've invested SO MUCH TIME IN THEM, you don't even know who you are!

I challenge YOU to spend time by yourself. It's necessary that you get the LOSERS out of your life if you want to live your dream.
But people who are willing to work on their dreams, life has a special sort of meaning. When you become the 「right person,」 what you do is you start separating yourself from other people. You begin to have a certain uniqueness. As long as you follow other people, as long as you're being a -cat, you will NEVER EVER BE the best -cat in the world. But you will be the best you could be. I am challenging you to define your value.

That everyone won't see it. That everyone won't join you. That everyone won't have the vision. It's NECESSARY to know that. That you are an uncommon breed! It's necessary that you align yourself with people that attract people into your business – who are hungry. People that are unstoppable and are unreasonable. People who are refusing to leave life just as it is and who want more!

The people that are living your dreams are finding winners to attach themselves to. The people that are living your dreams are the people that know that if it's gonna happen, it's up to them.

If you wanna be more successful, if you wanna have and do stuff you've never done before… No. 2 I want to ask you to invest in YOU.
Someone's opinion of you does NOT have to become your reality. That you don't have to go through life being a victim. And even though you face disappointments, you have to know within yourself, that I can do this. Even if no one sees it for me, I must see it for myself. This is what I believe, and I'm willing to die for it. Period.

No matter how bad it is, or how bad it gets….I'm going to make it. I wanna represent an idea. I wanna represent possibilities. Some of you right now, you wanna go to the next level. I wanna be a council. I wanna be an engineer. I wanna be a doctor.

Listen to me: You can't get to that level. You can't get to that level economically of who you want to be until you start to invest in your mind.
You don't like reading books. I am challenging you now to go to conferences.
I dare you to invest time.
I dare you to be alone.
I dare you to spend an HOUR getting to know yourself.

When you become who you are, when you beome the person that you were created to be, designed to be, who you desired to be. When you become an indivial, what you do is you take yourself, and you start separating yourself from others. I challenge you to get to a place where people don't like you don't even bother you anymore.
Why? Because you're not concerned with trying to make them happy. Because you're trying to blow up. You're trying to get to the next level. Because you're investing in your mind.

If you're still talking about your dream, if you're still talking about your goals, but you have not done anything, JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP!

You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud, you can touch millions of people's lives and your world will never be the same again, because you came this way. Don't let anybody steal your dream.

As we face a rejection and a "no" or you have a meeting when no one shows up, or somebody say "you can count on me" and they don't come through.
What if we have that kind of situation that cause we repossess because nobody believes in you. You lost, again and again and again. The lights are put off. But you're still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself…
It's not over until I win.
You can live your dream.

⑼ 求適合練習聽力的英文演講





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