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❶ 誰有美國移民歷史的lecture,差不多十分鍾以內的,英文聽力的,在線等,發鏈接我看就行,可以追加財富值

Referred to as \"ethnic melting pot\" of the United States is a typical immigrant country, the immigration history dates back to 1620 at the earliest. Nearly 400 years, the united nation has become a mixture composed of more than 100 national and even stands in New York \"the statue of liberty\" and \"immigrants\" from France in 1886 to the United States. Immigrants with their own dreams, travelled to the ideal land, in the United States has set off a few times in the history of immigration. It is no exaggeration to say, it is immigrants contributed to the United States, is the development of the immigration and changed America.

Attract immigrants once America's most important diplomatic mission

At the beginning of the founding of the people in the United States in the United States population of only 3.9 million. In addition to about 760000 black, the rest were almost all white, for the most part and from Western Europe. For fear of the Napoleonic wars in Europe and the domestic employment environment, at the beginning of the founding of the United States government on immigration policy, has formulated some restrictions on immigration policy. Between 1796 and 1815 European immigrants to the United States, on average, only about 3000 people a year.

Napoleon after the war, European regain peace. With a large number of military retired, Europe's increasingly serious unemployment, increasing the number of people immigrate to the United States. At this time, the United States is also e to the need of domestic construction, change the limit immigrants policy. In 1848 after the European revolution, immigrated to the United States is the wave of a wave height. For 1820 years from 1820 to 1920, some 33.5 million immigrants were accepted in the United States, form lasts one hundred years of immigration in the United States.

American historian called it \"the great human migration movement first immigrants orgasm occurred from 1820 to 1820, the total number of immigrants ring 5 million. Immigrants mainly from Western Europe and northern Europe, of which about 2 million Irish, German, about 1.7 million, there are a large number of sold to African slaves in the United States. At the same time, there are a few in the immigration from Asia, mainly to Chinese American gold rush.

The second immigration boom from 1861 to 1861, about 5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. After the civil war, the United States ushered in the peak of instrialization, the demand for labor. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln to lobby congress passed \"encourages foreign immigration act. Secretary of state seward and made a proclamation to diplomats from the United States in Europe, asked them to attract immigrants from Europe as one of the most important diplomatic mission. In order to recruit skilled workers to work in the United States from Europe, some enterprise groups to Europe recruiting. Them in many European newspaper advertising, printing brochures, with European settlers in desire to depict the tempting prospects. Some companies also for willing to immigrate to the United States of Europe provide the necessary money.

The third climax from 1881 to 1881, immigration soared to 23.5 million. Immigration peak is 1907 to 1907. In this stage, the U.S. government legislation for many times, European immigrants, reject Asian immigrants. From north-western Europe countries such as Britain, Germany, Sweden \"old immigrants\" growth is limited, but from Italy, Russia and other countries in southeast Europe \"new immigrants\" is growing rapidly.

Three times after the immigration, the United States in 1920 the total population of more than 100 million for the first time. From 1820 to 1920 in 1820, that the number of immigrants in the population growth in the number of more than 20%.

The fate of the immigrants changed America

These three times in the history of American immigration not only has had a profound influence on the formation of American national character, and makes the United States to rise quickly in a short span of more than one hundred years, replaced Britain as the world's largest economic power, and lays the foundation for later to become the world's superpower. Can say immigrants made us strong.

In immigration, the United States enjoy privileges, no need for ecation and training from Europe get tens of thousands of skilled workers. According to statistics, 1871-1892, immigrants from Western Europe and northern Europe, about 23% are skilled workers, they brought in iron and steel, textile and other instrial technology, become the important technical force of the instrial revolution in the United States.

Was the 7th President of the United States Jackson, known as the \"father\" of American manufacturing after Samuel Slater immigrated to the United States, with its steal the secret of Britain's textile instry, in the United States successfully copied out of the high efficient cotton spinning machine, and established the cotton mills, sounded the horn of the instrial revolution. The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas, electricity, water and other municipal construction technology.

In these immigrants, 85% of people aged between 14 and 44, and in the majority with man. When young, these immigrants to the United States of cotton textile instry, mining, construction provides the Labour force. In the eastern U.S. state of tunnels and railway engineering, Irish, German, Italian and the northern europeans. In the early changed American politics and society face \"westward movement\", the role of the China labor also is significant.

In the railway construction as the center, the China labor expense, with blood and life in extremely harsh difficult conditions, successfully completed the construction of the western Pacific railroad across the United States. Today, along the railway in California can also see a Chinese metal plaque inscription, saying \"California, north and south. Chinese spirit, flesh with work '. As advocates of recruiting workers Ryan crocker said: \"the railway can finish, largely e to poor and despised the Chinese working class -- thanks to their loyal and hardworking.\" It later became a famous \"word history\" in the history of immigration to the United States.

Immigrants in the American civil war to save the union, contributed to the abolition of slavery. Europe after the 1848 revolution, a large number of rich German immigrants came to the United States military experience, these are known as \"1848 person of German immigrants,\" there are a lot of people became a republican and Lincoln's elite. They helped organize the federal troops, defend republican system. One of the most famous is Carl schulz major general. He moved to the United States in 1852 after the defeat of the revolution in Germany, active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1861 he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the minister to Spain. After the civil war broke out, he volunteered to led the troops in battle, in order to encourage support Lincoln German immigrants, he has to travel between states speech, total travel nearly 40000 km.

Cause of exclusion against the current wave of migrants

In more than 100 years of immigration, immigration had been in one way or the other. As for the U.S. government, its immigration policy is not static. From 1815 to 1882, the United States government shall practise a system of completely free immigration. But starting in 1882, great changes have taken place in the U.S. immigration policy. Restrictions and excluding immigration law introced one by one. The regulation of which is strange, like an idiot and milquetoast bans entry. After 1920, the United States over the age of free immigration thoroughly, introced a quota of restrictive immigration policies.

Because in the contradiction of employment, religious and ethnic problems, the United States ring 1880-1920 to xenophobia development. Chinese, Japanese, jews, italians and hungarians became the local workers and north-western Europe immigration is wanton rejection and the object of persecution. What's more, in May 1882, congress passed a specifically forbid south China university of technology into the Chinese exclusion act of beauty, the bill was abolished until 61 years later. During this period, by the locals and the north-western Europe first immigrants of protestant \"American patriots alliance\", \"the alliance\" and other exclusive organization arises at the historic moment. Among them, the biggest impact of the first of the American association of protection, established in 1887, the association flames everywhere, the political corruption of American society ring this period, municipal construction lag, rising crime rates and people's living standards drop is attributed to the arrival of the new immigrants.

After the second world war, with the rationalization of the American public attitude toward immigrants, the contribution of immigrants to the United States graally acknowledged by most americans. As labor secretary Elaine chao said: \"thanks to the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Huge waves of immigrants to the United States has brought the rich cultural heritage, also provided the impetus to the development of the United States.\"

❷ 馬上要出國了 該怎麼練英語聽力和口語


❸ 生活英語應急口語900句 中國宇航出版社 聽力MP3下載

基礎不好沒關系的,學好就會提高的 ,可以去網上搜尋一些資料來學習,或跟我一樣沒時間的話才找英語學習中心幫忙規劃,ABC天丅英語中心性介比不錯.好.,外教口語很純正 你可以去那了解一下,或許對您有很大的幫助呢~~中國於10年月日成功地研製並發射了第一顆人造地球衛星「東方紅一號」,成為世界上第五個獨立自主研製和發射人造地球衛星的國家。截至000年10月,中國共研製並發射了顆不同類型的人造地球衛星,飛行成功率達0%以上。目前,中國已初步形成了四個衛星系列——返回式遙感衛星系列、「東方紅」通信廣播衛星系列、「風雲」氣象衛星系列和「實踐」科學探測與技術試驗衛星系列,「資源」地球資源衛星系列也即將形成。中國是世界上第三個掌握衛星回收技術的國家,衛星回收成功率達到國際先進水平;中國是世界上第五個獨立研製和發射地球靜止軌道通信衛星的國家。中國的氣象衛星、地球資源衛星主要技術指標已達到二十九十年代初期的國際水平。近幾年來,中國研製並發射的顆通信、地球資源和氣象衛星投入使用後,工作穩定,性能良好,產生了很好的社會效益和經濟效益。白皮書說,中國獨立自主地研製了1種不同型號的「長征」系列運載火箭,適用於發射近地軌道、地球靜止軌道和太陽同步軌道衛星。「長征」系列運載火箭近地軌道最大運載能力達到00千克,地球同步轉移軌道最大運載能力達到100千克,基本能夠滿足不同用戶的需求。自1年中國政府正式宣布將「長征」系列運載火箭投入國際商業發射市場以來,已將顆外國製造的衛星成功地送入太空,在國際商業衛星發射服務市場中有了一席之地。迄今,「長征」系列運載火箭共實施了次發射;1年10月至000年10月,「長征」系列運載火箭已連續1次發射成功。白皮書說,中國已建成酒泉、西昌、太原三個航天器發射場,並圓滿完成了各種運載火箭的飛行試驗和各類人造衛星、試驗飛船的發射任務。中國航天器發射場既可完成國內發射任務,又具有完成為國際商業發射服務和開展其他國際航天合作的能力。中國已建成完整的航天測控網,包括地測控站和海上測控船,圓滿完成了從近地軌道衛星到地球靜止軌道衛星、從衛星到試驗飛船的航天測控任務。中國航天測控網已具備國際聯網共享測控資源的能力,測控技術達到了世界先進水平。白皮書說,中國於1年開始實施載人飛船航天工程,研製了載人飛船和高可靠運載火箭,開展了航天醫學和空間生命科學的工程研究,選拔了預備航天員,研製了一批空間遙感和空間科學試驗裝置。1年11月0日至1日,中國成功地發射並回收了第一艘「神舟」號無人試驗飛船,標志著中國已突破了載人飛船的基本技術,在載人航天領域邁出了重要步伐。

❹ 想出國,怎麼提高英語聽力


想知道你現在英語聽力水平在哪個層次嗎? 很簡單,你現在就可以做個測試,電視機鎖定到中央9台,等到播放英語新聞時,別看圖像,光憑聽,試試你能聽懂多少?如果你能聽懂的除了國家名和人名以外,就是介詞和副詞,那你的聽力水平應該為零,也就是毫無聽力水平.如果每條新聞你能聽懂20個詞左右,大體知道這條新聞講的是哪方面的內容,說明你處在英語聽力的初級水平.如果每條新聞你能聽懂30個詞以上,能夠知道這條新聞講的確切內容,說明你處在英語聽力的中級水平.如果你只有少數單詞聽不懂,能毫無障礙的聽懂每一句話,你就應該是高級水平了.怎麼樣?試了嗎?你處在什麼水平?

處於不同水平的人學習方法也是不一樣的,中高級水平的朋友完全可以通過每天聽英語新聞節目來提高和鞏固聽力能力.而作為初級水平的朋友這種方法是毫無益處的,並不是這樣聽的多了,就有英語感覺了.如果你不能確切的弄明白你所聽到單詞的意思,就算你聽上千遍,你聽到這個單詞時仍然不會知道它的意思.因此,對於初級水平的朋友, 聽寫是提高聽力水平的最佳方法.通過對每一句反復的聽,琢磨每一個單詞的含義並寫到紙上,加深對單詞發音的記憶,這樣訓練的多了之後,聽到單詞就能快速反應,從而達到提高聽力水平的目的.


目前比較適合當作聽寫材料的有新概念2,3以及VOA的Special English.這些材料語速較慢,容易斷句.對於考生,尤其是基礎不好的考生,是非常適合的.具體方法是:




❺ 出國英語有什麼口語和聽力教材








❻ 如果想要提高英語口語,聽力能力,應該聽什麼東西是英式英語,為出國准備的那種。


❼ 英語聽力幾級可以出國生活


❽ 如何練習英語聽力水平,達到出國的程度


❾ 關於出國前怎樣提高英語(包括口語、寫作、聽力、詞彙)的

第一,練習聽力。建議你每天晚上聽VOA Special English。是專門給初學者練習英語聽力的,速度很慢,用詞比較簡單。現在在圖書大廈能夠買到光碟,還帶文字版。一定要先看文字,然後聽,聽的時候不要看書,反復聽,實在聽不明白的地方再看書,之後再聽。這樣可以知道正確的英語怎麼說,而且無形之中能夠記得很多單詞。開始時聽不懂沒關系,聽不懂也要堅持聽,時間長一點就ok了。


第三,模仿。聽VOA Special English,或者新概念,一定要模仿著人家說。從用詞到語音語調。我上學時,班長是湖南人,他就是堅持每天早晨模仿新概念的磁帶,一個假期就能夠說出一口地道的英式發音,開學時把所有人都震了。




❿ 求出國前練習英語聽力最好的材料是




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