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㈠ 七年級上冊英語(冀教版)課文聽力


㈡ 冀教版初一英語聽力材料。

( )1、A、sock B、box C、son D、so
( )2、A、mend B、men C、name D、them
( )3、A、wrong B、long C、home D、room
( )4、A、bottle B、broken C、boat D、brown
( )5、A、could B、good C、book D、put
( )6、A、black B、bread C、back D、bed
( )7、A、boat B、bird C、bottle D、ball
( )8、A、on the desk B、in the desk C、under the desk D、behind the desk
( )9、A、look at B、look after C、look like D、look the same
( )10、A、something to do B、something to eat
C、something to mend D、something to drink
( )1、A、The old man is 55 years old.
B、The old man is 65 years old.
C、The old man is 75 years old.
D、The old man is 45 years old.
( )2、A、How many is eight and eighteen?
B、How many is eighty and eighteen?
C、How many is eight and eighty?
D、How many is eight and eight?
( )3、A、What』s the time? It』s 8∶15.
B、What』s the time? It』s 8∶50
C、What』s the time? It』s 8∶55
D、What』s the time? It』s 8∶35
( )4、A、Our room number is 1117.
B、Our room number is 1170.
C、Our room number is 2117.
D、Our room number is 2170.
( )5、A、Let』s put these books in the box.
B、Don』t put these books in the box.
C、I want to put these books in the box.
D、I can』t put these books in the box.
A∶Look the picture. Where is the pencil-box? Is it the desk?
B∶Yes, it is .
A∶What』s that the pencil-box?
B∶It』s a pen.
A∶Is the light the pencil-box?
B∶Yes, it is.
A∶Where』s the football?
B∶ the desk.
A∶Look, what is it? Is it yellow?
B∶No, it』s black white.
A∶Can you find the bag?
B∶Oh, look, it』s the desk, Is it ?
A∶No, it mine. It』s Li Lei』s.
( )1、Mrs Black looks very old.
( )2、She doesn』t go to the school every day.
( )3、She can』t speak Chinese.
( )4、Mrs Black likes eating Chinese food.
( )5、Mrs Black has two sons.
( )1、h p A、le B、el C、al D、la
( )2、l t A、igh B、gih C、ghi D、hig
( )3、c k A、olc B、col C、oll D、loc
( )4、k fe A、i B、ni C、ai D、nai
( )5、w m n A、u, e B、u, a C、o, a D、a, o
1、houses(單數) 2、open(現在分詞) 3、no(同音詞)
4、knife(復數) 5、eat(現在分詞) 6、hard(反義詞)
7、do not(縮略式) 8、we(形容性物主代詞) 9、he(賓格)
1、That』s my schoolbag. Give to ,please.
2、A∶Oh, dear! I can』t find bike.
B∶Don』t worry. I think I can help . Is that one over there ?
3、A∶Dad, we can』t carry this bag. It』s too heavy. could you come and help ?∶B∶Wait a minute. I can help carry it.
4、They are your new teachers. Please go and say 「hello」 to .
5、Bob is an English boy. father is all Brown.
( )1、There is orange in the basket. orange is very big.
A、a, A B、an, An C、an, The D、a, The
( )2、 are Jim』s socks, the new ones or the old ones?
A、What B、Whose C、Which D、What about
( )3、Is this your eraser? Put away, please.
A、it B、them C、this D、one
( )4、He can』t put in the bag. It』s too full.
A、all the thing B、all these things C、the all thing D、these all things
( )5、Kate and I doing homework now.
A、am, their B、are, their C、is, our D、are, our
( )6、Are there empty cups on the table?
A、some B、any C、an D、a
( )7、There a kite and two pictures on the wall.
A、has B、is C、have D、be
( )8、The bottle is broken. Could I a good one?
A、take B、carry C、put D、have
( )9、 「I don』t like the one on the desk」 「 the one in the box?」
A、Which B、Whose C、What about D、Where
( )10、 「Are there any boats in the river?」 No, there aren』t
A、one B、some C、any D、many
( )11、How many are there in the picture?
A、childs B、bread C、women D、meats
( )12、Could I drink water?
A、any B、some C、a D、an
( )13、There are on the table.
A、two bag of rice B、two bags of rices
C、two bag of rices D、two bags of rice
( )14、The twins are . They aren』t .
A、swim, run B、swimming, run C、swim, running D、swimming, running
( )15、If you want to draw a straight line, you must use it. What is it?
It』s a .
A、pencil B、pen C、ruler D、knife
( )16、My father a new car. He it very much.
A、have, like B、has, likes C、has, like D、have, likes
( )17、-Are you English or American? - .
A、Yes, I am B、I』m American C、No, I』m not D、Yes, you are
( )18、It is day. The children are playing in the garden.
A、fine B、the fine C、a fine D、an fine
( )19、Are you good at ? Yes, we are.
A、swim B、swimming C、a swim D、play football
( )20、My plane is the tree. I can』t get it.
A、in B、on C、under D、of
1、You can』t catch that bird.(改為否定祈使句)
that bird.
2、There is some bread for her.(改為一般疑問句)
bread for her?
3、I am doing my homework.(對劃線部分提問)
you ?
4、They are some young women.(改為單數形式)
a young .
5、We can see six bags of rice in the car.(就劃線部分提問)
of rice you see in the car?
6、Give them some cakes, please.(改寫句子,使句意不變)
Please give some cakes .
7、She is a Chinese baby.(改為復數形式)
are Chinese .
8、He can mend the broken bike.(改為否定句)
He the broken bike.
9、The boys are playing games near the house.(就劃線部分提問)
the boys ?
10、They are jumping now?(改為一般疑問句)
A∶There so many things in the supermarket.
You want something?
B∶Yes, I want eraser, two pencils and pencil-sharpener.
A∶Look. There they .
B∶Yes. But I don』t enough money with me.
May I borrow some from ?
A∶Certainly. Here 10 yuan.
B∶Thanks .
A∶You』re welcome.
Comrade Liu is 1 teacher 2 English. He is not young, but he is not old, too. He 3 a round face hair. He is tall. 4 are fifty students in his class. They 5 him.
Now it』s five in the afternoon. 6 , some students 7 in the classnom. Comrade Liu is there, too. He is helping 8 to study English. He is a good teacher 9 a good friend of 10

all, too.
( )1、A、a B、the C、an D、this
( )2、A、in B、with C、on D、of
( )3、A、is B、have C、has D、is having
( )4、A、Here B、There C、Those D、These
( )5、A、all like B、look like C、like all D、all look
( )6、A、See B、Look C、Watch D、Look at
( )7、A、work B、working C、are working D、are work
( )8、A、they B、their C、theirs D、them
( )9、A、and B、but C、then D、or
( )10、A、they B、them C、their D、theirs
Luck and Kate are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in BeiJing now. They are in Miss Gao』s class. In their class, there are fifty-two students. There are twenty-eight boys and twenty-four girls.
Where are the twins? Look, they are sitting near the door of the classnom. Lucy is wearing a red coat. Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. They are having a Chinese class. They like Chinese.
( )1、The two girls are twins. They are in a school of China.
( )2、Lucy and Kate are in the same class.
( )3、Lucy is in a yellow sweater.
( )4、Now they are studying Chinese in the classnom.
( )5、There are twenty-eight girls in their class.
Jim』s Family
It』s nine o』clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim』s father is sitting in a chair. He』s watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. She』s giving some food to Polly. Polly says, 「Thanks! Thanks!」 Where』s Jim? Oh, he』s behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. They is no homework on Sunday evening.
( )1、There are people in the family.
A、three B、four C、five D、six
( )2、Who is watching TV in a chair? .
A、Jim is B、It』s Jim C、Jim』s father is D、It』s Jim』s father
( )3、Jim and Kate are .
A、good friends B、two girls C、two boys D、brothers and sisters
( )4、The children doing their homework.
A、aren』t B、isn』t C、don』t D、not
( )5、What』s Kate doing?
A、She』s doing her homework.
B、She』s standing near the window.
C、She』s looking for a pen.
D、She』s playing games

㈢ 有沒有冀教版七年級英語上下冊的課文聽力,或者教學視頻,重點知識之類的資料.

如果不介意的話 留下郵箱好么 很難發 不過我只有聽力mp3 課文原本用不用一起發的?

㈣ 七年級上冊英語聽力材料


㈤ 冀教版七年級英語聽力

去聽力教室: http://www.tingroom.com/ 這是個非常好的英語聽力網站,裡面小學、初中、版高中、大學、4、6級、考研權、瘋狂英語、商務英語、VOA、BBC、英文歌曲、帶字幕的原聲電影……聽力材料,視頻都有。很多資料都可以免費下載。去找找吧,肯定能找到你想要的。

㈥ 怎樣下載七年級上冊英語冀教版的聽力


㈦ 七年級上冊英語書上的聽力材料在哪裡呢


㈧ 七年級英語上冊聽力材料如何下載




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