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❶ 21世紀學生英文報高一第七期答案






D4 1. nosebleed 2. commonly 3. blowing 4. injury 5. forward 6. throat 7. lightly 8. ice 9. harmless/normal 10. serious



1-5.BCCAB 6-9.BACC 10. food 11. broke 12. improve 13. Britain 14. chips 15. hot dogs 16. terrible 17. own 18. fruit


1. A。根據文章內容,足球運動員夢寐以求的是為皇馬踢球,其它幾項雖然也很像,但在文章中並沒有提及。

2. B。Ozil掐自己是因為無法相信居然能和那些巨星一起踢球。

3. D。12年的歐洲杯預選賽對於Ozil來說很復雜,因為他替德國踢球,和土耳其隊比賽,但出生在德國,卻被土耳其父母養大。

4. C。Ozil一點西班牙語都不會說,英語也說的不好,所以語言對他的職業生涯會是個障礙。


1. C。本文主要講述了英國與美國青少年遇到的不同困擾與壓力,D選項主要側重同齡壓力,而文章中提到的壓力是來自多方面的,故答案是C。

2. D。由第四段「Their sons were battling bad skin, were reluctant (不願的) to speak」可知D項正確。

3. B。上下文提到的都是在美國青少年中普遍存在的問題,所以universal在這里表示「普遍的」。

4. A。由最後一段「…and they are much more aware of the importance of planning ahead」 可知A項正確。


1. B。作者和老人互相對視,因為彼此之間有誤解。

2. D。作者以為「the most exciting thing」會是一件很了不得的事。

3. D。老人心臟病突發恢復後,更加珍惜生命,珍惜生活中的點點滴滴。

4. A。作者認為,人們應該重新審視自己對待生活的態度。瀕死的經歷並不是讓人珍惜生命的唯一途徑。


1. nosebleed 2. commonly 3. blowing 4. injury 5. forward 6. throat 7. lightly 8. ice 9. harmless 10. serious




Dialogue 1
M: I'm going to a party at Carol's house.

W: You can't be serious. We've got two tests at school tomorrow.

Dialogue 2
M: I don』t like to wear a school uniform. We are teenagers and we like to be stylish.

W: But it』s the school rule.

Dialogue 3
W: Hi, John. How is your exam?

M: It couldn』t be better.

W: Really? But remember this: Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Dialogue 4
M: You and I are both set on studying abroad – probably in the United States or Canada.

W: Yes, I』d like to study journalism. But I may have difficulties. Obviously, I want to go to a top school.

M: And what have you found?

W: I looked into Columbia. It has a famous graate program in journalism, but sadly no undergraate course. They think students should study other things before they switch to journalism.

M: I have a different problem. I want to study engineering in Canada, at the University of Waterloo. There』s a problem, however. The course is excellent – but it』s not a very nice place to live. If I』m going to be working that hard, I want some comfort!

W: I guess we – like all students planning on studying abroad – have to do a lot of careful research before we make a decision.

Dialogue 5
Li Ping: Peter, I hear PE class in the United States is a little different from that in China.

Peter: Well, tell me what they are like in China.

Li Ping: They affect your grade. The better you perform in PE Class, the better your grade will be. That can make a difference overall…

Peter: Well in the States all you have to do is show up and look as if you』re trying. That』s good for me since I』m not good at sports.

Li Ping: I bet you are, really, Peter. You』re just being modest!

Peter: No, I』m terrible. I』ve got two left feet, I can』t catch and I couldn』t hit a baseball to save my life.

Li Ping: Then you might have had difficulties if you had studied in China.

Peter: I did try, however, so I got the grade. It didn』t make any real difference to my school career.

To eat or not to eat? What to eat? How to eat healthier? School food is always a big problem.

According to a Guangzhou Daily report, more than 100 students from a high school in Foshan, Guangdong, broke their lunch boxes on the table last month. The students said it was in protest against their terrible-tasting canteen food.

This might be an extreme kind of protest, but it shows the need to improve the quality of school food.

School food is not just a problem in China. It』s a worldwide problem. In the US and Britain, there are hot school lunches for sale, but not many kids buy them. In Britain, a school dinner is often a choice of chips, boiled potatoes, or overcooked cabbage. The pizza, hot dogs and meatballs in American schools always taste terrible. So many students bring their own lunches, usually sandwiches and fruit, to school

❷ 英語周報九年級新目標第7期綜合能力評估試題的答案及聽力材料

英語周報九年級新目標第7期綜合能力評估試題的答案 密碼:1vm9 注:聽力材料沒有.

❸ 唐人英語初中頂尖訓練哪裡有賣


❹ 學生雙語報七上英語第七期答案2013〜2014x版


❺ 八年級上冊英語周報第七期答案


問問同學 讓同學會給你講講

❻ 誰能給我唐人街的英語版介紹和翻譯啊

New York's Chinatown is a cultural haven full of ancient and exotic traditions, and a huge amount of restaurants. This bustling and crowded neighborhood is home to over half of the city's Chinese population. In the grocery stores and fruit stands, you will find many food items available nowhere else in the city—from exotic fruit and vegetables to live snails and dried shrimp. In recent years, excellent Thai, Vietnamese and Korean restaurants have joined the mix.

❼ 英語周報高一英語上學期階段檢測一第七期完整版答案

第一卷 第一部分聽力

❽ 初三英語單詞 新世紀

1 乘飛機 by air
2 航空公司;(飛機的)航線 n. airline
3 飛行;(某次)班機,航班 n. flight
4 英國航空公司 n. BA (British Airways)
5 行李 n. luggage
6 (暫時)寄放,(憑客票)托運;檢查 vt. check
7 支票 n. check
8 免費地,無償地 for free
9 登,上(飛機、船等) vt. board
10 登機牌,登機卡 bording pass
11 希思羅機場 n. Heathrow
12 經濟 n. economy
13 (在客機、車、船上)乘坐經濟艙位 ad. economy
14 乘經濟艙 go economy
15 登機口 boarding gate
16 售票處,票房 ticket office
17 滿的;客滿的 a. full
18 單程票;單人房間;單身 n. single
19 單個的;個別的 a. single
20 來回票;返回 n. return
21 返回歸還 vt.&vi. return
22 護照,過境通行證 n. passport
23 確認;證實,肯定 vt. confirm
24 提前;預先 in advance
25 飛機票價 n. airfare
26 推薦 vt. recommend
27 使……坐落於 vt. locate
28 坐落於…… be located on in at
29 曼哈頓區 n. Manhattan
30 港口;港灣 n. harbor
31 渡船;擺渡;渡口 n. ferry
32 (在體積,數量方面)龐大的,巨大的 a. huge
33 木材;[~s]樹林;林地 n. wood
34 騎自行車 vt. cycle
35 劃船 n. boating
36 戶外的,露天的;野外的 a. opean-air
37 瀏覽商店櫥窗 vi. window -shop
38 中國城,唐人街 n. Chinatown
39 經歷;體驗 vt. experience
40 視覺 n. sight
41 嗅,聞 vt.&vi. smell
42 嗅覺;氣味 n. smell
43 百老匯大街 n. Broadway
44 伸展;延伸 vt.&vi. extend

1 使延期,推遲;耽擱,延誤 vt.&vi delay
2 延遲;耽誤,延誤 n. delay
3 霧 n. fog
4 因為,由於 because of
5 到達;到達者;到達物 n. arrival
6 高興的,愉快的快樂的 a. delighted
7 沿……排列成行;排隊 vt.&vi line
8 線;路線;航線 n. line
9 排隊 line up
9 免稅的 a. ty-free
10 海關 n. Customs
11 安全 n. security
12 安全檢查 security check
13 櫃台 n. counter
14 稅;稅款 n. tax
15 機場稅 airport tax
16 辦理登機手續;辦理入住手續 n. check-in
17 聲稱;主張;認領;領取 vt.&n. claim
18 行李認領處 luggage claim
19 外幣兌換處 exchange bank
20 牌子;商標 n. brand
21 (單、復數同)飛機;航空器 n. aircraft
22 旅客;旅行者 n. traveller
23 在(向)海外;在(向)國外 ad. overseas
24 與其……不如;不是……而是 rather than
25 旅遊;觀光;旅遊業 n. touristen
26 泰國 n. Thailand
27 友好;友誼 n. friendliness
28 泰國人;泰國語 n. Thai
29 泰國人的 a. Thai
30 太平洋 n. the Pacific
31 太平洋的 a. Pacific
32 太平洋諸島嶼 n. Pacific islands
1 鹽,食鹽 n. salt
2 鹹味的;腌的 a. salt
3 百分比,百分率 n. percentage
4 資源 n. resource
5 有限的;受限制的 a. limited
6 工業;行業 n. instry
7 每天的;日常的 a. everyday
8 任務;工作 n. task
9 被……覆蓋著 be corvered with
10 貴重的;寶貴的 a. precious
11 液體;液態 n. liquid
12 液體的;流質的 a. liquid
13 龍頭,閥門 n. tap
14 小流量;慢水流 n. low ~flow
15 淋浴(器);陣雨 n. shower
16 蓮蓬頭,噴淋頭 n. showerhead
17 修理;使固定;安裝;確定 vt. fix
18 漏的 a. leaky
Part Ⅱ
19 洪水;水災 n. flood
20 農作物;莊稼 n. crop
21 沖走;洗掉 wash away
22 電;電流;電學 n. electricity
23 (給)……洗澡 n. bath
24 強大的;強壯的 vt.&vi. powerful
25 致命的;破壞性的 a. deadly
26 閃光 n.&vi. flash
27 突發的;迅猛而短暫的 a. flash
28 驟發的洪水,暴洪 flash flood
29 泛濫;淹沒;溢出 vt.&vi. overflow
30 災難性的 a. disastrous
31 時期;(一段)時間 n. period
32 殺人者;殺手 n. killer
33 頻繁的;時常發生的 a. frequent
34 發生 vi. occur

1 破壞性的;毀滅性的 a. destructive
2 帳篷 n. tent
3 紅十字會 The Red Cross
4 無家可歸的 a. homeless
5 受害者;犧牲者 n. victim
6 演示文稿 n. PowerPoint
7 全部的;整個的 a. whole
8 全部;整個 n. whole
9 智利 n. Chile
10 預料;預言 vt.&vi. predict
11 復雜的,錯綜的;綜合的 a. complex
12 仍然是;保持;留下 vi. remain
13 向……挑戰;提出挑戰 vt.&vi. challenge
14 挑戰 n. challenge
Part Ⅱ
15 受傷的;受損害的 a. injured
16 颶風 n. hurricane
17 噴發;噴出 vi. erupt
18 義大利 n. Italy
19 火山噴發 n. eruption
20 在……下面 prep. below
21 情況;狀態;形勢;局面 n. situation
22 飢餓 n. hunger
23 害怕,恐懼,畏懼 n.,vt.&vi. fear
24 號召;拜訪 call on
25 災難,災禍 n. disaster
26 仁愛;慈善 n. charity
27 義賣活動 charity sale
28 關心;照顧 care for
29 受痛苦;遭受災難;受損失 vi. suffer
30 遭受;經受 vt. suffer
31 病,疾病 n. illness
32 瑞士的;瑞士人的 a. Swiss
33 (單、復數同)瑞士人 n. Swiss
34 銀行家;銀行業者 n. banker
35 亨利杜南 n. Henri Dunant
36 因公因事 on business
37 流血的;血腥的 a. bloody
38 戰役;戰斗 n. battle
39 應歸功於;應歸咎於 e to
40 缺乏;不足 n.,vt.&vi. lack
41 立刻,馬上 ad. immediately
42 召集;聚集;收集 vt.&vi. gather
43 受傷的;受損害的 a. wounded
44 教堂 n. church
45 卓越的;光輝的 a. brillant
46 和平;和好 n. peace

1 (市\郊間)乘車或駕車上下班 vi. commute
2 弄短;縮短 vi.&vt. shorten
3 (物價等)下跌,下降 come down
4 明智的;英明的;聰明的 a. wise
5 守時的;准時的 a. bunctual
6 討厭的東西(狀態\行為等) ;討厭的人 n. nuisance
7 調好電台的;調好頻道的 a. tuned
8 繼續收聽(或收看) stay tuned
Part Ⅱ
9 停車場 parking lot
10 裝配;組裝 n. assembly
11 裝配線 assembly line
12 (載客)馬車;(火車)客車廂 n. carriage
13 幸虧;由於 thanks to
14 亨利福特 n. Henry Ford
15 [美]汽車 n. automobile
16 加快速度 speed up
17 生產 n. proction
18 英雄 n. hero
19 車輪 n. wheel
20 步子;(進展的速度 n. pace


❾ 八年級上冊雙語報第七期的答案(是A版和B版)

21-25 ACBDA
26-30 BBACB
41-45 ABDCA
46-50 BABDC

❿ 求唐人街的英文名稱







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可以看新上映電影免費電影網站 瀏覽:155
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視頻網站不卡 瀏覽:472
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