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1. 九年級英語課本聽力原文

Girl:Where are you going,Larry?
Larry:To Tom' party.
Girl:Lucky you! I'd love to go that party!
Larry:Yeah,well ,I'm a little nervous. I don't know what to wear.
Girl:If I were you,I'd wear a shirt ang tie.
Larry:What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?
Girl:Oh,you shouldn't worry about what other people are wearing.
Larry:And I don't have a present. What if everyone brings a present?
Girl:If i were you ,I'd take a small present-a pen or something.Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not,you can keep it.
Larry:Ok. But what if I don't know everyone?
Girl:If you don't know everyone, you can talk to Tom. He will introce you to people.
Larry:I guess I can do that.
Girl:Look! You're sure to have fun. But if you're still nervous, you can leave.

2. 人教版英語九年級聽力原文翻譯


3. 初三英語課文聽力

要提高聽力能力首先當然得多聽,上課聽老師講,聽課文錄音,課後聽一些與課文同步的磁帶。可是聽力是一項綜合能力,單憑多聽來練習聽力,恐怕是不夠的。聽力與口語,以及與閱讀都有著十分密切的關系。這就是為什麼口語好,閱讀能力強的同學,聽力水平也比較高的原因。因此,要提高聽力能力可以從以下幾個方面入手: 第一,要讀准每一個學過的單詞。 如果單詞讀不準,就會聽不出錄音中的相同的單詞,做題的時候就會出錯。所以,在平時學習的過程中一定要把所學的每一個單詞的音都發准。 第二,要多模仿錄音朗讀,多練習口語。 多模仿錄音,學說一口地道的英語。朗讀單詞與朗讀句子是有區別的,朗讀句子有語音和語調的變化以及強讀、弱讀和失去爆破等技巧。如果不熟悉這些技巧,做題時就會有困難。另外,要多與別人用英語交談或在課堂上多回答老師的提問,老師布置的口語練習一定要按質按量完成。 第三,要加強單詞的學習,擴大自己的詞彙量。 如果單詞掌握不牢固,即使聽出是哪些詞語,也不知道具體是什麼意思,當然就不能正確地做題了。所以,對於學過的單詞一定要准確地記住它們的音、形、義。 第四,要加強閱讀。 大量的閱讀有利於對所聽材料的理解。大家都有這樣的體會:一些讀過的材料,聽起來會覺得很容易。毫無疑問,對於自己會讀、會說的材料會比較容易聽懂。 第五,精聽和泛聽相結合。 練習聽力最終還是要回到聽力上來。精聽指的是平時聽課文錄音和聽力訓練。泛聽則包括聽英文故事、英文歌曲、英文廣播等等。 總之,要提高聽力能力就必須「多讀、多說、多聽、多背誦、多閱讀」。</SPAN>

4. 新人教版英語九年級全一冊聽力原文以及聽力和單詞


5. 誰有九年級英語的原文聽力MP3的 急急急!!!


6. 誰有初三難度的英語聽力音頻文件和原文文本


7. 初三上英語聽力原文 (只需要1——3單元)

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?
Section A
1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from the picture above.
Boy 1: Hey Gang. There's a big test on Tuesday. I really need some help. Can you tell me how you study for a big test?
Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will.
Boy 1: You did really well on the last English test, didn』t you, Mei?
Mei: Yeah, I did OK.
Boy 1: Well, how did you study?
Mei: By making flashcards.
Boy 1: May be I'll try that. How did you study, Pierre?
Pierre: By asking the teacher for help. She was really happy I asked.
Boy 1: That's interesting. How do you study, Antonio?
Antonio: I like to study by listening to tapes. But sometimes my mother thinks I'm listening to music. And then she gets mad.
Boy 1: Oh, well...

2a Listen and check the questions you hear.
Listen and check the questions you hear.
Girl 1: Welcome to the English club. Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English. Who has an idea?
Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?
Girl 2: No. It』s too hard to understand the voices.
Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?
Girl 2: I think so. It helps to write English every day.
Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group?
Girl 2: Yes, I have! I』ve learned a lot that way.
Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends?
Girl 2: Oh, yes, it improves my speaking skills.
Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
Girl 3: I do that sometimes. I think it help.
Boy 2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary.
Girl 3: That's a great idea!
2b Listen again. Match each question above with an answer below.

Section B
2a Paul is learning English. Listen and check the learning challenges he talks about.
Ms Mitchell: You look worried, Paul.
Paul: I am, Ms Mitchell. I'm having trouble learning English.
Ms Mitchell: You said you liked English. What's the problem?
Paul: I can't get the pronunciation right.
Ms Mitchell: Well, listening can help. Why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes? You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.
Paul: That's a good idea. But what about all the new words? I forget a lot of new words.
Ms Mitchell: You can always write the new words in your note book and study them at home. You can even study in the train on the way to school.
Paul: That might really help! Thanks.
Ms Mitchell: Can you understand when people talk to you?
Paul: Well, no. Not always. Sometimes I just don't understand what people are saying.
Ms Mitchell: Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays Thursdays.
Paul: Maybe I'll go. The only other problem I have is that I don't get much writing practice.
Ms Mitchell: Maybe you should find a pen pal.
Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing. Thanks Ms Mitchell.
2b Listen again. Match the challenges in 2a with the solutions.

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.
Section A
1b Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like?

Conversation 1
Bob: Mario, is that you?
Mario: Yeah, it is. It』s Bob! Hey, guys, it's Bob! I haven't seen you for four years.
Bob: Yeah. I'm here with my parents. We're visiting for a couple of days. Wow, Mario, you look different! You used to be short, didn't you?
Mario: Yes, I did. Now I'm tall. And so are you!
Bob: That's true...And you used to wear glasses.
Mario: You have a great memory. Now I wear contact lenses!

Conversation 2
Bob: Hey, Amy, it's great to see you.
Amy: Hi, Bob. How are you?
Bob: Fine. Wow, you've changed!
Amy: Really? How?
Bob: Well, you used to have short hair.
Amy: You remember that? Yes, I did.
Bob: And you used to be really tall!
Amy: Not any more. You're taller than me now, Bob.

Conversation 3
Tina: Hiya, Bob.
Bon: Hi, Tina. You've changed too.
Tina: Oh, yeah?
Bob: You have blonde hair!
Tina: Yeah, it used to be red, didn't it?
Bob: And it's straight!
Tina: It used to be curly.

2a Listen and check the words you hear.
Paula: Hey, Steve! Over here! Don't you remember me?
Steve: Oh, wow! You're Paula, aren't you?
Paula: That's right.
Steve: But you used to be really quiet, didn't you?
Paula: Yeah. I wasn't very outgoing.
Steve: No, you weren't. But you were always friendly. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?
Paula: Yes, I did. But now I'm more interested in sports. I play soccer and I'm on the swim team.
Steve: Wow! People sure change.
2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Section B
2a Listen and check the sentences you hear.
Girl 1: My six-year -old brother started school this week.
Boy 1: He's really lucky. Life was great when I was six.
Girl 1: Really? Why?
Boy 1: Oh, schoolwork is rally easy.
Girl 1: Not for me. I didn't use to like tests, now I don't worry about tests.
Boy 1: And we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.
Girl 1: Yeah, but we used to walk to school. Now we have to take the bus.
Boy 1: I remember one bad thing. I used to hate gym. Now I love gym class.
Girl 1: Me, too.
2b Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
Section A,
1b Listen and circle 「T」 (for true) or 「F」 (for false).
Woman: So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna?
Anna: I'm going to the mall with John. He just got his driver's license.
Woman: I'm sorry. You can't go with John. I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. They aren't serious enough at that age.
Anna: But I have to go to the mall. Gaby's getting her ears pierced and I want to watch.
Woman: I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later.
Anna: I agree, but it's fun to watch. Is it OK if we take the bus?
Woman: Well, I guess so.
Anna: Great! I want to buy a new blouse at the mall, too.
Woman: What kind are you going to buy? Maybe I should go with you.
Anna: Aw, Mom. I'm not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
Woman: Well, I just want to be sure you get something nice.

2a Listen and check what Kathy thinks. Circle 「Agree」, 「Disagree」 or 「Doesn』t know」 to show what Molly thinks.
Molly: Larry is working late again tonight, Kathy.
Kathy: I know, Molly. I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night. Young people need to sleep.
Molly: I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.
Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry shouldn't work every night.
Molly: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homework.
Kathy: You know, Molly... he should really cut his hair.
Molly: Oh, I don't know. Do you think it's too long?
Kathy: Yes, I do. It doesn't look clean. And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.
Molly: Oh, I disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!
Kathy: You know what worries me - Larry doesn't seem to have many friends.
Molly: Yeah, I know. I think he shouldn't work on weekends.
Kathy: Oh, I agree, Molly. He needs to spend time with friends.
Molly: Like you and me?
Kathy: Maybe.
2b Listen again. What are Kathy』s and Molly』s reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order.

Section B
2a Listen and circle the things in 1a that you hear.
Man: What's the matter, Peter?
Peter: I think I'm going to fail a math test, Dad.
Man: You are? Why?
Peter: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk to school.
Man: So?
Peter: I'm not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today.
Man: And you weren't allowed to take the test?
Peter: That's right. But I know I could pass that test.
Man: Well, Peter, the school has to have rules, you know.
Peter: I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It』s not fair.
Man: I agree. Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school.
Peter: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, she』ll understand.
2b Listen again. Match these sentence parts.

8. 新目標 九年級全冊英語3a錄音原文和聽力

九年級全冊英語3a錄音原文和聽力」,我已通過[email protected]發送至你所留下的郵箱,請注意及時查收。

9. 初一初三人教版英語聽力mp3下載,與課本原文要一致。




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