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A. 急求七年級(初一)英語期末測驗題的聽力音頻及其聽力試卷內容


B. 七年級上英語期中測試題(有聽力)


C. 七年級英語上冊期末考試卷電子測試(含聽力)—自動打分

1.( )My ____ is Yang.So you can call me Miss Yang.
A.first name B.last name. C.given name D full name
2.( )His family ______watching TV.
A.is all B.are all C.all is D.all are
3.( )The teacher tells her students ____on the wall.
A.draw B.not draw C.not to draw D.draws
4.( )How is the movie ? ----It's ____.I like it very much
A.long . B.intersting C.funny D.boring
5.( )______mothers are great singers.
A,Linda and Sandra B.Linda's and Sandra
C.Linda's and Sndra's D.Linda and Sandra's

D. 初一上學期英語期中測試

您好! 《初一上學期英語期中測試》 聽力部分一、聽錄音,從ABCD四個選項中,選出能回答你所聽到的問句的答語。1.A.She』snearthedoor.B.Theyarenew.C.Theyarenearthedoor.D.It』sunderthebed.2.A.Icanseeit.B.Yes,Ican.C.Ican』tseeit.D.Yes,itis.3.A.Icanseetwobirds.B.Yes,Ican.C.No,Ican』t.D..4.A.Yes,theyare.B.Ican』tseeany.C.No,theyaren』tany.D.No,Ican』t.5.A.Ithinkit』sinJiangsu.B.TheyareinZhejiang.C.Yes,theyareinZhejiang.D.No,theyarenotinJiangsu. 二、聽對話,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出正確答案。(5分)1.Lily』scoatis________.A.onherbedB.underherbedC.onthechairD.behindthechair2.Jim_____________________.A.canseethefootballnearthedoorB.can』tseethefootballbehindthedoorC.canseetheballsbehindthedoorD..Jackcansee___________________________.A.somecatsonthewallB.someclocksontheblackboardC.acatontheblackboardD.aclockonthewall4.LiuHai_____________________________.A.canseeLiPing』sbookB.canhelpLiPingfindherbookC.seesLiPing』sbookinherdeskD.can』thelpLiPingfindherbook5.Tomthinks____________________atlast(最後).A.HongKongisinGuangdongB.HongKongisnotanSARC.HongKongisnearGuangdongD.GuangdongisanSAR 三、聽短文,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出正確答案。(5分)1.Whatpictureisthis?A.It』sapictureofaroom.B.It』sapictureofadesk.C.It』sapictureofaclassroom.D.It』sapictureofablackboard.2.Whoareintheclassroom?A.Someboys.B.Somegirls.C.Someteachers.D.Somestudents.3.Istheballonthedesk?A.Yes,itis.B.No,itisn』t.C.No,itisunderthedesk.D.No,itisnearthedoor.4.Wherearethebooks?A.Theyareinthedesk.B.Theyareonthedesk.C.Theyareinthebags.D.Theyareonthebags.5.What』sinthedesk?A.Thegirls』bags.B.Thegirls』books.C.Thegirls』pens.D.Thegirls』coats.筆試部分一、單項選擇:(共15分)()1.Hello,7894153.__________Mr.Smith.A.I』mB.ThisisC.ThatisD.He』s()2.Whatclass______XiaoMaandXiaoLiin?A.amB.isC.areD.be()3.Is_______motheranEnglishteacher?A.youB.he』sC.herD.she()4.Kateis______Englishgirl.Butherfriendis_____Japanesegirl.A.a;anB.an;aC.an;anD.a;a()5.WeareinClass4.Wearein_______grade.A.asameB.sameC.thesameD./()6.What____12and13?_______25.A.is;It』sB.are;It』sC.is;ItsD.are;Its()7.-Thankyouverymuch.-___________________.A.NothanksB.That』srightC.AllrightD.That』sallright()8.Thoseare_______.A.theyboxB.theirboxesC.theyboxesD.theirboxs()9.-Aretheseyourbooks?-Yes,__________.A.theseareB.they』reC.theyareD.itis()10.Welcome___________.A.tohomeB.homeC.ourhomeD.toourhome()11.-Who』sthatwoman?-_______________.A.Sheisn』tadoctorB.She』sanicewomanC.She』smyteacherD.She』saChinese.()12._________.Where』sKate,please?A.SorryB.OKC.HelloD.Excuseme()13.-_______?-I』minRowFive.A.AreyouinRowFiveB.WhatRowareyouinC.WhatrowareyouD.Whatrowareyouin()14.-Howdoyoudo?-___________A.Hello!B.Howareyou?C.Howdoyoudo?D.Thankyou.()15.-Howareyou?-_________.A.No.IamnotfineB.Yes,IamfineC.HowareyouD.Iamfine.Thankyou 二、完形填空,在每小題列出的四個選項中,只有一個是正確的。請將正確選項的字母編號寫在題號前的括弧內。(每小題1分,共10分)Look__1__thepicture.It』sapicture___2__myroom.Ihave__3__bird.Its_____isPolly.Ilook_____iteveryday.Butitisnotinthepicture.You____seeitthere.Canyouseeacat?Itisundermychair.Thecatandthebirdarein______rooms.Theycan』tlive(住)inthesameroom.Mybooks____onmydesk.Mypensandpencilsareinmybag.Thebag____behind_____desk.()1.A.ofB.atC.inD.on()2.A.atB.inC.onD.of()3.A.aB.theC.twoD.nice()4.A.hisB.nameC.bagD.map()5.A.atB.afterC.ofD.on()6.A.atB.can』tC.aren』tD.can()7.A.sameB.thesameC.differentD.a()8.A.areB.isC.amD.see()9.A.lookB.isC.amD.are()10.A.twoB.newC.theD.a 三、閱讀理解,在每小題列出的四個選項中,只有一項是正確的。請將正確選項的字母編號寫在題號前的括弧內。(每小題2分,共30分)( A)Thereisapicture.,treesandaschool.Youcanseesomeboysandgirls.Theyareatschool.TheschoolisNO.4MiddleSchool.Linglingistwelve.Fangfangistwelve,too.Theyareinthesameclass.Theyaregoodfriends..()1.________isFangfangandLingling』steacher.A.MissWangB.MissGaoC.Mrs.BlackD.MissLi()2.Theboysandgirlsare________.A.atschoolB.athomeC.behindthehillD.underatree()3.LinglingandFangfangare________.A.goodfriendsB.indifferentgradesC.allelevenD.goodstudents()4.Theyarein________.A.NO.3MiddleSchoolB.XongxingMiddleSchoolC.NO.4MiddleSchoolD.NO.5MiddleSchool()5.Thehills,trees,theschoolandthestudentsare_______.A.inabookB.ontheblackboardC.inapictureD.inthewall (B)Mr.GreenisourEnglishteacher.HeteachesusEnglisheveryday.Heteachesverywell.Wealllikehim.Hehastwochildren,asonandadaughter.TheirnamesareJimandKate.Hiswifedoesn』twork(工作).Shestaysathome.Mr..TheycanspeakalittleChinese.Mr...()1.Mr.Greenteachesus____________.A.EnglishB.ChineseC.math(數學)D.Music()2.Thereare________childreninMr.Green』sfamily?A.threeB.twoC.someD.many()3.Hiswifeis_________everyday.A.atschoolB.atworkC.athomeD.inaroom()4.Mr.Greenandhischildrencan_______alittleChinese.A.speakB.readC.writeD.say()5.Mr.Greenlikes_______inChina.A.workB.worksC.toworkD.working (C)閱讀短文,判斷正誤,錯的寫(F)對的寫(T)。Thisisapictureofmybedroom.It』saniceroom.Thedoorishere.Andafootballisbehindit.Mydeskisnearthewindow.Youcanseeachairbehindthedesk...Thebagisnowbehindthechair.()1.ThisroomisLiLei』s.()2.Englishbooksareonthedesk.()3.Thebagisunderthechair.()4.Thefootballisunderthebed.()5.Theflowersareonthedesk. 四、句子改錯,下面每一句話均有一處錯誤,請找出來並將正確答案填在橫線上。(每小題1分,共5分)()1.Theseisn』tyourpictures.____________ABCD()2.She』snameisAnnRead.______________ABCD()3.Thisisaorange.It』snice.______________ABCD()4.Thetwinsarelookthesame._____________ABCD()5.WhatGradeareyouin?_______________ABCD 五、句形轉換。(每小題2分,共10分)1.I』montytoday.(對劃線部分提問)_______________ontytoday?2.TheyareLucyandLily.(改為同義句)_______________areLucyandLily.3.ThisisaChinesebook.(改為復數形式)________________Chinesebooks.4.Thosearedesks.(對劃線部分提問)_____________those?5.That』sanapple.(改為一般疑問句)______________anapple? 六、完成句子,按照下面各題的漢語意思,用英語完成句子。(每小題2分,共10分)1.你能照看一下這對雙胞胎嗎?Canyou______________thetwins?2.歡迎到我們學校來。________________ourschool.3.那是他的全家照。Thatisapicture______his________.4.這個用英語怎麼說?________this________English?5.肖明在一年級二班。XiaoMingisin_________Two,_________One 七、補全對話.(每小題1分,共10分).A:Todaywehavetwonewstudents.____1__namesareLucyandLily.B:Hi,LucyandLily.You__2___thesame.___3___youEnglish?C:No,we』reAmerican.A:WangLing,pleaselook__4___thetwinstoday.B:Yes,Mr.Smith.Hello!This__5___,please.C:___6____you.B:Theseareyourseats.Youareinthesamerow,RowFour.C:__7___weputourcoatshere?B:Oh,yes,put___8___here.C:Excuse___9___.Whereisthewashroom,please?B:Thewashroom?Oh,it』s____10___there.Let』sgo. 八、書面表達。根據中文提示,寫一篇50-60單詞、意思連貫、符合邏輯的自我介紹。(10分)內容包括:假如你的名字叫湯姆,今年12歲。你的學校是光明中學,你在初一年級。在學校里,你有兩個好朋友,他們是李雷和吉姆。你們的老師都很好。你們非常喜歡老師和學校。

E. 七年級上學期期中英語考試卷測試題(有答案)


F. 初一的英語期中測試卷

( )21. Nice to meet you.
A. see B. be C. do D. have
( )22. What about your mouth?
A. And B. How C. What』s D. How about
( )23. Please look at this photo.
A. picture B. blouse C. hair D. jacket
( )24. Li Ming is from China.
A. come B. comes from C. Chinese D. comes
( )25. -Thank you.
-That』s OK.
A. Thanks B. No, thank you C. All right. D. You』re welcome.
( )26. My name ________ Wei Hua.
A. am B. is C. are D. a
( )27. -How do you do? -________.
A. I』m fine B. Fine, thank you C. How do you do? D. See you later.
( )28. -Are you Jack? -Yes, _______.
A. your are B. he is C. I am D. I』m
( )29. My friend _________ black hair.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
( )30. -Who』s this man in the picture?
A. He is forty B. He has a long nose.
C. He is from Japan. D. He is my teacher.
( )31. Look _______ the picture. My cap is blue.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
( )32. -______?
-They are flowers.
A. What』s this?
B. What』s that?
C. What are these?
D. Are they flowers?
( )33. What』s that? _______ a box.
A. That is B. it C. It』s D. That
( )34. Can you spell _________ name?
A. your B. you C. it D. me
( )35. That』s ______ bedroom.
A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily』s and Lucy』s
C. Lily and Lucy』s D. Lily』s and Lucy
( )36. Is your bike new _______ old?
A. in B. are C. and D. or
( )37. Is that ________ pear? No, it』s _________ orange.
A. an,a B. a,an C. a,a D. an,an
( )38. I』m in _______.
A. Class 4, Grade 1 B. class 4, grade 1
C. Grade 1, Class 4 D. grade 1, class 4
( )39. _______ are in Grade One.
A. I and Wei Fang B. Wei Fang, I and Li Lei
C. Wei Fang and I D. Li Lei and me.
( )40. Please _______ these books _________ your sister.
A. to, is B. give, to C. look, at D. do, with

A)完形填空 通讀下列短文,掌握其大意,然後在各題所給四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。
There is (有) 41 nice girl in our class. She 42 in Row 5 (在5排). She is thirteen 43 . 44 is not tall and she is not short. She is a little fat (有點胖). She has a round 45 an apple. She 46 two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big, 47 her ears are small. Her hair is short 48 black. She likes red. She is often 49 red clothes. She likes little animals. She has a little black dog in 50 home.
( )41. A. an B. the C. a D. /
( )42. A. is B. are C. do D. does
( )43. A. year old B. years old
C. old D. years
( )44. A. He B. She C. he D. she
( )45. A. at B. of C. like D. on
( )46. A. have B. is C. has D. are
( )47. A. and B. so C. but D. or
( )48. A. and B. with C. but D. no
( )49. A. in B. at C. with D. on
( )50. A. she』s B. his C. her D. hers

B)閱讀理解 閱讀下面的短文,做每篇後面的題目,從四個選項中選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案。
I have a good friend. His name is Sam. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in my school, too. I』m in Class 1. But Sam in in Class 2. Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher. Mr Mao is Sam』s Chinese teacher. They are good teachers.
51. ______ is my good friend.
A. Mike B. Jim C. Tom D. Sam
52. -Is Sam an English boy?
A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn』t. C. Sam is an English boy.
D. Sam isn』t a Chinese boy.
53. -What class is Sam in? He is in _______.
A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three D. Class Four
54. Who is Sam』s Chinese teacher? -________.
A. Mr Wang B. I C. Mr Mao D. They
55. Mr Wang and Mr Mao are good _______.
A. boys B. girls C. men D. teachers
The man has a tall and big nose and big eyes. He is short and thin with yellow hair. He is wearing a blue coat, black trousers and red shoes. The police can not catch him. Please help them to find him.
56. The man』s nose is ________.
A. tall B. big C. small D. tall and big
57. -What color is the man』s hair?
A. Red B. Yellow C. Gray D. Black
58. -Are his trousers blue? -______.
A. Yes they are B. No, they aren』t C. I don』t know. D. No, it』s gray.
59. -Is the man good or bad?
A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn』t C. He』s good D. He』s bad.
60. Who wants to catch the man? -_______.
A. The police B. We C. He D. They

61. _____62. _____63. _____64. _____65. _____

66. Tom is ________(11歲)
67. I have three ______(小刀)
68. My ______(父母)are all teachers.
69. What』s the _______(男孩的)name?
70. He』s wearing a _______(雙)of shoes.

C)句子翻譯 根據所給漢語完成英語句子,每空一詞。
71. 你怎麼拼它?______ ______ you spell it?
72. 明天見。______ you ________.
73. 人人叫我邁克。________ calls _______ Mike.
74. 這件衣服看起來很好,但不適合我。
This coat __________ very nice, but it doesn』t _______ me.
75. 這是什麼?是蘋果。What』s this? ________ _______ apple.
76. Who』s this? This』s Li Ying. ________
77. She』s Japan. ________
78. She』s doctor.
79. She have a sister. ________
80. Her sister name』s Li Yu. ________

21. A 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B
29. B 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. D
37.B 38. A 39. C 40. B

41. C 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. C
47. C 48. C 49. A 50. C
51. D 52. A 53. B 54. C 55 . D
56. D 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. A

(四)61. Aa 62. Ei 63. Ii 64. Oo 65. Uu
66. eleven
67. knives(原形為knife, 以f,fe結尾的名詞,復數形式要改f或fe為v再加-es)
68. parents(parent父母之一,parents父母雙方)
69. boy』s 70. pair
71. How, do 72. See, tomorrow
73. Everyone, me (「我」是動詞call的賓語,因此用賓格)
74. looks, fit (this coat為第三人稱單數,look要用第三人稱單數形式,fit之前有doesn』t,在助動詞do / does 引導的句子中,動詞用原形)
75. It』s an (apple第一個音素為母音/ /,故用an)
76. This』s Li Ying.應改為This is Li Ying. 或She』s Li Ying. Be動詞is, am, are在陳述句中可以和主語縮寫成』s,』m或』re,如he』s, I』m, we』re, 但是this 不能與is縮寫成this』s,另外,is, are可以和not縮寫成isn』t,aren』t,但am不能與not縮寫。
77. Japan應改為from Japan 或Japanese. 她來自日本。
78. doctor應改為a doctor,英語中表示否定的一個人或一件物品名詞前要加冠詞a或an, 若有物主代詞、名詞所有格或定冠詞the, 指示代詞this,that等則不用a/an.
79. have要改成has,she是第三人稱單數,have也應用第三人稱單數形式。
80. sister要改為sister』s. Her sister』s name』s Li Yu. sister』s為名詞所有格「妹妹的」name』s 是name is 的縮略形式「名字是」。

1. Qq 2. name 3. evening 4. good 5. pencil
6. Good morning. Date.
7. This is Kity And this is my father.
8. What』s that in English?
9. What』s this?
10. What color is the chair?
11. A: Excuse me! What』s your phone mumber, Tony?
B: My phone number is 5523456.
Q: What』s Tony』s phone number?
12. A: Is that his notebook?
B: No, it isn』t. It』s my notebook.
Q: Is that has notebook?
13. A: Look at this picture. This is my brother.
B: Oh, Good. Does he like basktball?
A: Yes, he does.
Q: Does his brother like basketball?
14. A: How many balls do you have Mary?
B: Oh, I have 13 volleyballs, and 12 basketballs.
Q: How many balls does Mary have?
15. A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I want two bags a black one and a green one.
A: OK. The black one is 5 dollars and the green one is 4 dollars.
B: How much are the two bags?
1. Good morning. Miss Wang! Good morning, Nice to see you.
2. UVWXYZ, happy, happy we shall he when we learn our ABC.
3. Kang kang is from China.
4. Please give this letter to Maria in Class 2 Grade 1. I』m sorry . I don』t know her. What does she look like?

G. 初一上冊英語期中考試卷子及答案,要四五套,難度盡量大些,不要有聽力





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