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⑴ 榮德基典中點魯教版九年級英語聽力


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九年級英語聽力練習(八年級上 Unit 1)
Ⅰ Listen and choose 聽小對話,選擇正確的圖片。( B C A B C ) 1.W:What do you usually do on weekends? M:I usually go skateboarding·
2. M:Do you often go shopping with your friends? W: No, I can』t stand it.I like reading in the library. 3.W: How often do you go to the movies? M:Once a month.But I watch TV every night. 4.W: What do you often have after dinner? M:A cup of tea,and some fruit.
5. W: Who in your family has a healthiest lifestyle?
M:My grandpa.He goes to bed early and gets up early. II. Listen and choose 聽小對話,選擇正確的答案。(B B A C A ) 1.W: Excuse me,Mr. Baker.How often do you exercise ? M:Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon. 2.M:How often do you go to KFC ? W: Never.They are junk food,I guess. 3.W: What sports do you like,Steve?
M:Tennis.I play tennis with my sister every weekend. 4.W: My favorite film star is Rosamund Kwan. M:You mean Guan Zhilin.Yes,she』s so beautiful. W : Because she has a healthy lifestyle. 5.W: Tina doesn』t come to school today. M:She』s ill again.
W: Oh, dear. I think she needs more healthy food and more exercise. III. Listen and answer 聽較長的對話,回答問題 ( A C A B B ) Dialogue One
M:Mr. Smith likes basketball very much. W: So he is.He has a lot of books on basketball.
M:And he watches basketball matches on TV every evening. W: Does he often play basketball?

- 2 -
M:Yes.he does.He』s very busy, but he plays basketball twice a week. Dialogue Two
M:Do you often watch TV, Linda ?
W: Not very often.I only watch Animal World on Thursday evening. M:Do you surf the Internet ?
W: Yes,every Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon. M:What do you usually do in the evening? M:Do my homework and read. W:How long do you do your homework? M:About an hour.
Ⅵ. Listen and answer. 聽獨白,完成信息記錄表。( C B A A B )
My English teacher is Susan. She is very popular in our class. She has a round face with
long hair. She gives us four English classes a week. In her class, we read English books, play games, and sing English songs. Sometimes we have short English plays in class. So we like our English class very much.Susan is very healthy. She likes hamburgers very much,but she has them only once a week because she thinks they are junk food.Susan likes sports,too. She plays tennis with girls;sometimes she plays basketball with boys too.But she can't play football. Susan watches TV every evening.Her favorite channel is CCTV-9 because it is English.She doesn't go to bed very late. She says,「I must sleep 8 hours a day.Then I can enjoy every day.」

⑶ 典中點九年級上英語人教版第三單元聽力答案

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