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㈡ 英語初級聽力答案第二十二課


㈢ 請問你當年問的英語初級聽力答案還有嗎我只要8 9 10課,萬分感謝

Section Two
A. Page 106
B. 1. (1) F (2) F
2. 72.64; at least 20 pounds; 98.95; 22 pounds
3. (1) 200 pounds. (2) Only 150.16 pounds.
C. 1) She is engaged. 2) In the spring. 3) Probably in St. Albans.
4) Because that』s the place where her parents live.
5) They are going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London and settle in.
6) No, she is going to give up her present job but she may look for another one
when she』s settled in the new place.
Section Three
Dictation 1
I have a watch. It is a Swiss watch. It is not new and my friends are sometimes a little rude about it. They tell me to buy a new one. But I do not want a new one. I am very happy with my old watch. Last week it stopped. So I took it to the shop. I did not ask for an estimate. Today I went to get it. Do you know how much I had to pay? Five pounds just for cleaning a watch.
Dictation 2
Have you ever thought what it is like to be one of those beautiful girls that you see on the front of fashion magazines? They meet interesting people, they travel to exciting places, and sometimes they make a lot of money. But they have to work hard. They often have to get up very early in the morning, and of course they have to be very careful about what they eat.

Lesson Nine Section One
Dialogue 1 She cannot clean the blackboard because there is no ster.
Dialogue 2 He can』t drink the milk because it is sour.
Dialogue 3 Because he returned the glove that she had lost.
Dialogue 4 Because he wants to practice his English

㈣ 英語初級聽力答案



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