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1. 跪求 初二英語課本聽力

We have designed a superhero,today,we will talk about it.
This is our heroine(shou pictures).She is a girl,her name is Christine.She isn't beautiful,for she has a long face on which there is a pair of enormous glasses and some freckles.Though she isn't pretty,she is intelligence and has a good mark at school.To our surprise,she has two identittes, is a student,the other is a superhero.And she has two special skills,she can see and hear what is happened miles away.
When she sees some people in danger,her big glasses can change into another magic glasses which can help her make sure the position,and then she will be lead to the moon.Meanwhile,she become a very beautiful lady who has long hair and her freckles disappear.After she prays on the moon.The moon can give her great power to help people.
When the people in danger is saved by her,the power from the moon will became a star and stays in the sky.Day by day,there are a great many stars in the sky.Like a lot of heroes,she has an enemy too.He is an old man who is very ugly and evil,he always makes troubles to destroy the earth,but his dirty tricks often fails,became Chrstine is fixed on his location and saved enough power.At last,she defeated him.Soon,she is regarded as a heroine.But in ordinary life,no one knows she is the heroine,and her good looks can be seen everywhere,on the wall,the cover of the book,the door and so on.She sat a good examlpe and people all learn from her.

2. 初二上冊英語同步聽力與閱讀訓練答案


3. 義務教育教科書英語八年級上冊,課文聽力


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how often 多久一次 exercise v.& n.鍛煉 skateboard v.踩滑板 hardly adv.幾乎不
ever adv.曾,曾經 once adv.一次 twice adv.兩次 time n.次,次數
surf v.在…沖浪 Internet n.網路 program n.節目,表演 high school 高中,完全中學
result n.結果 active adj.活躍的,積極的 for prep.對於,在…方面 as for 至於,關於
about adv.幾乎,大約 junk n.廢棄的舊物 junk food 垃圾食品 milk n.牛奶 coffee n.咖啡
chip n.(食物等的)薄片 cola n.可樂 chocolate n.巧克力 drink v.喝,飲 health n.健康,健康狀況
how many 多少 interviewer n.采訪者 habit n.習慣 try v.試圖,設法,努力 of course 當然
look after 照顧,照看 lifestyle n.生活方式 grade n.分數,成績 better adj.& adv.更好的(地)
same adj.同樣的,相同的 as prep.像…一樣 different adj.不同的,有區別的 difference n.不同,差異,區別 unhealthy adj.不健康的 maybe adv.或許,大概 although conj.雖然,即使 for prep.達,計
grandpa n.外公,爺爺 a lot of 大量,許多 keep v.保持 must modal v.必須 less adj.更小的,較少的
Unit2 中文
matter n.事情,問題 have v.得(病),患(病) cold n.受涼,感冒 have a cold 得了感冒
stomachache n.胃痛 sore adj.疼痛的 back n.背,背部 arm n.臂,胳膊 ear n.耳朵
eye n.眼睛 foot n.腳,足 hand n.手 head n.頭,頭部 leg n.腿,腿部 mouth n.嘴 neck n.脖子,頸部 nose n.鼻子 stomach n.胃 tooth n.牙齒 throat n.喉嚨 toothache n.牙痛 fever n.發燒,發熱
rest v.休息 honey n.蜂蜜 dentist n.牙醫 should modal v.應該 headache n.頭痛 shouldn't=should not ago adv.以前 so pron.如此,這樣 illness n.疾病 advice n.勸告 thirsty adj.渴的 stress v.加壓力於,使緊張 (be)stressed out 有壓力的,緊張的 early adv.提早(地) problem n.問題 way n.方法,手段,方式 traditional adj.傳統的 believe v.相信,認為 balance n.平衡,平衡狀態 weak adj.虛弱的,無力的 herb n.草本植物,葯草 angry adj.憤怒的,生氣的 tofu n.豆腐medicine n.葯物
western adj.西方的 everybody pron.每人,人人 get v.變得 few adj.很少的 a few 有些,幾個,少數
stay v.繼續是,保持important adj.重要的balanced adj.平衡的diet n.飲食,節食moment n.瞬間,片刻
at the moment 此時until conj.直到…之時host family 寄宿家庭hear v.聽見,聽說
Unit3 中文
babysit v.臨時照顧(小孩)camp v.宿營plan n.& v.計劃,規劃Tibet 西藏hike v.徒步旅行,遠足Hong Kong 香港how long 多久,多長時間away adv.向遠處get back 回來send v.發送,寄postcard n.明信片
San Francisco 舊金山Hawaii 夏威夷bike n.自行車ride v.乘騎 n.旅行的路程sightseeing n.觀光,游覽
fishing n.捕魚rent v.租用,出租Italy 義大利famous adj.著名的,出名的take a vacation 去度假Greece 希臘Spain 西班牙Europe n.歐洲something pron.某物,某事lake n.湖,湖泊the Great Lakes 五大湖
leave v.離開,出發countryside n.農村,鄉村nature n.大自然,自然界forget v.忘記a lot 很,常常,非常
finish v.結束,完成Thailand 泰國tourist n.旅行者
Unit4 中文
subway n.地鐵train n.火車forty num.四十fifty num.五十sixty num.六十seventy num.七十eighty num.八十ninety num.九十hundred num.一百minute n.分鍾take v.花費(時間)by prep.表示交通方式by bus 乘坐公共汽車far adj.遠的,遙遠的how far 多遠kilometer n.公里,千米shower v.淋浴quick adj.快的
bicycle n.自行車early adj.早的,提早的mile n.英里stop n.車站transportation n.公共交通,運輸
north adj.北部的,北方的North America 北美洲part n.地區depend v.依賴,依靠
depend on 視…而定river n.河,江boat n.小船by boat 乘小船must modal v.一定more adj.& adv.更多的(地)
than conj.比means n.方法,手段,工具car n.小汽車town n.鎮,城鎮ill adj.生病的,不健康的
worry v.擔心,擔憂,焦慮so adv.這么,那麼much adv.十分,非常
Unit5 中文
lesson n.課,課程another adj.又一的,再一的concert n.音樂會whom pron.誰,什麼人calendar n.日歷
tomorrow n.& adv.明天the day after tomorrow 後天weekday n.工作日invitation n.邀請,邀請書
training n.訓練,鍛煉chemistry n.化學American adj.美國的project n.(學校的)課題,項目matches n.比賽,競賽whole adj.整個的,全部的over adv.從一邊至另一邊come over 順便來訪free adj.空閑的,有空的till conj.直到…之時
Unit6 中文
outgoing adj.友好的,外向的twin adj.& n.孿生的calm adj.鎮靜的wild adj.魯莽的serious adj.嚴肅的
athletic adj.擅長運動的note n.注釋mean v.表示…的意思as adv.以…的方式way n.某個方面
both pron.兩個(都)hers pron.她的(所有物)physics n.物理however adv.然而more than 超出
in common 公有的,共有的be good at 擅長,在…方面做得好school work n.學業laugh v.笑
for prep.為,給,對opposite adj.對立的view n.觀點interest n.興趣though adv.& conj.雖然
necessary adj.必要的beat v.打敗care v.對…在意friendship n.友情primary adj.初級的,小學的
primary school 小學information n.消息,信息
Units1-6 中文
wheel n.輪子woman n.女人use v.使用cheese n.乾酪,乳酪sick adj.不適的,患病的body n.身體
begin v.開始begin with 以…開始swimming pool 游泳池excited adj.激動的Harbin 哈爾濱
safe adj.安全的,可靠的fast adj.& adv快的(地)passenger n.乘客
Unit7 中文
shake n.奶昔milk shake 奶昔blender n.攪拌機turn on 打開cut v.切,割up adv.分開cut up 切碎
peel v.剝,削pour v.傾倒into prep.到…里yogurt n.酸奶ingredient n.材料cup n.小茶杯watermelon n.西瓜teaspoon n.茶匙amount n.總額instruction n.命令finally adv.最後地,最終mix v.混合mix up 混合在一起popcorn n.爆米花popper n.爆米花機boil v.煮沸salt n.鹽add v.加,加添add…to… 把…加到…上
sandwich n.三明治bread n.麵包butter n.黃油relish n.調味品lettuce n.生菜,萵苣turkey n.火雞
slice n.薄片super adj.超級的top n.頂,上部recipe n.烹調法check v.核對,檢查green onion 嫩洋蔥
ck n.鴨子sauce n.調味汁pancake n.薄煎餅roll v.卷
Unit8 中文
gift n.禮物shark n.鯊魚aquarium n.水族館seal n.海豹hang v.逗留,徘徊hang out 閑盪,閑逛
souvenir n.紀念物win v.贏,獲勝autograph n.親筆簽名prize n.獎賞,獎金visitor n.訪問者,參觀者
outdoor adj.戶外的octopus n.章魚end n.結束monitor n.班長Chicago 芝加哥California 加利福尼亞州
sleep late 睡過頭drive n.駕駛off adj.休息day off 不工作rain n.雨DVD abbr.數字化視頻光碟yard n.院子
yard sale 庭院舊貨出售luckily adv.幸運地umbrella n.雨傘raincoat n.雨衣wet adj.潮濕的
competition n.競爭,比賽,競賽player n.運動員future n.將來again adv.再一次
Unit 9 中文
born v.出生record n.記錄hiccup v.& n.打嗝sneeze v.& n.(打)噴嚏too…to… 太…以至於不能…
golf v.& n.(打)高爾夫球Brazilian adj.巴西的national adj.國家的achievement n.成就
perform v.演出,表演gymnast n.體操運動員gold n.金子 adj.金的medal n.獎牌championship n.冠軍稱號
golfer n.高爾夫球運動員
become v.成為call v.把…叫做talented adj.有天賦的loving adj.慈愛的creative adj.有創造力的outstanding adj.傑出的kind adj.和藹的unusual adj.不尋常的grandson n.孫子violinist n.小提琴手
skate v.滑冰,溜冰ice skating 滑冰champion n.冠軍tour v.在…旅行the US 美利堅合眾國,美國
well-known adj.有名的pianist n.鋼琴手could modal v.能(can的過去式)hum v.作嗡嗡聲,哼唱
piece n.幅,篇,首accordion n.手風琴take part(in) 參加…Poland 波蘭alive adj.活著的athlete n.運動員
because of 因為,由於Asia 亞洲table tennis 乒乓球運動university n.大學major v.主修
major in 主修,專研management n.管理number n.號碼single n.單打比賽ITTF abbr.國際乒乓球聯合會
Unit10 中文
grow v.生長grow up 成長programmer n.電腦程序設計者computer science 計算機科學
engineer n.工程師pilot n.飛行員professional adj.專業的act v.表演move v.移動dream n.夢somewhere adv.在某處exhibition n.展覽artist n.藝術家part-time adj.兼職的save v.儲蓄at the same time 同時
hold v.舉行rich adj.富有的travel v.旅行all over 到處retire v.退休yet adv.到此時resolution n.決心
instrument n.器具,樂器over prep.超過fax n.傳真reader n.讀者fit adj.強健的communicate v.交流
lady n.女士foreign adj.外國的build v.建造exchange n.& v.交換exchange student 交換生
Unit11 中文chore n.雜務dish n.盤do the dishes 洗餐具sweep v.掃除trash n.垃圾take out 取出
make one's bed 整理床鋪fold v.折疊living room 起居室meeting n.會議work on 從事,忙於hate v.憎恨
do chores 幹家務laundry n.洗衣店do the laundry 洗衣服snack n.小吃teenager n.青少年borrow v.借
invite v.邀請player n.唱機care n.照顧take care of 照看feed v.喂養mine pron.我的(所有物)
Unit12 中文radio n.無線電radio station 無線電台comfortable adj舒適的seat n.座位screen n.屏幕
close adj.近的service n.服務quality n.品質theater n.劇院cinema n.電影院clothing n.衣服jeans n.(pl.)牛仔褲trendy adj.時髦的teen n.青少年funky adj.時髦的,極好的easy adj.安逸的,自在的
FM abbr.(廣播)調頻AM abbr.(廣播)調幅jazz n.爵士樂worse adj.& adv.更壞的
worst adj.& adv.最壞的bargain n.特價商品meal n.餐,飯positive adj.積極的negative adj.消極的
ll adj.乏味的loud adj.響亮的talent n.天才talent show 才藝表演performer n.演員success n.成功
act n.一段表演without prep.無,沒有together adv.一起musical adj.音樂的distance n.距離near adj.近的
farthest adj.& adv.最遠的province n.省份southern adj.南方的still adv.還,仍然lovely adj.美麗的,可愛的northern adj.北方的enough adj.充足的,足夠的
Units7-12 中文
sea n.海洋DJ abbr.音樂節目主持人Los Angeles 洛杉磯central adj.中心的diner n.小飯店,路邊小餐館
curry n.咖喱deli n.熟食店leader n.領導者band n.管樂隊easy adj.容易的piece n.片brown bread 黑麵包
forbid v.禁止Forbidden City 故宮camel n.駱駝rat n.老鼠(not)at all 絲毫(也不)cow n.母牛,奶牛
seriously adv.嚴肅地hen n.母雞lay v.產(卵)



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