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發布時間:2021-03-02 12:10:25

㈠ 求百度文庫中那份「人教版四年級上冊英語期末試卷」的聽力材料


㈡ 四年級下冊英語pep期中考試卷及答案,(只要聽力答案) 急!!

Last year, I went to Guilin for travel, it was a great trip for me. I not only had a look at the beautiful scenery, but also made friends. I knew a lovely girl from America, we met each other on the train. As we were almost at the same age, we communicated a lot. We shared our opinion about the culture and learned a lot. When our train reached the destination, we needed to separate, we promised to keep in touch by the Internet. Now a year has passed, we make our promise and keep in touch all the time. I have improved my English and she is so interested in China. It seems that we can never finish our topic, because we always have so much to share with each other. I am so lucky to make a good friend.



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