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發布時間:2021-02-27 19:19:58

⑴ 四年級下冊譯林版英語課課練聽力答案


⑵ 求~譯林英語四年級上冊補充習題 聽力mp3


⑶ 小學四年級下冊澤林版英語書(包括習題答案和聽力)


⑷ 譯林板小學英語四年級(上)同步達標檢測題(二)聽力在哪可以聽到


⑸ 譯林英語補充習題答案四年級下,第43頁

一、 1. D 2. C 3. A 5. B
二、 1. No one has discovered any life 2. we have already sent them 3. but she has never been 4. I saw him showing the foreignvisitors around
三、閱 1. In 1961. 2. It sent the first space station intospace. 3. A space station. 4. Until the late 1980s. 5. The history of space stations and whatthe life in space stations is like.
四、 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A
五、 that there has been life on earth for hundreds of millions of years.Seven other planets go around the sun like the earth. However, none of them hasan environment like that of the earth. So scientists do not think they willfind life on them. The sun and itsplanets are called the solar system. And our solar system is a small part of amuch larger group of stars and planets. We call it Galaxy. Scientists have alsodiscovered many other galaxies in the universe. So it is impossible to imaginehow large the universe is. We havealways asked the question: With so many stars in the universe, are we alone? Isthere life out there in the space? We』re looking forward to know the answer.

⑹ 小學四年級下冊英語聽力訓練答案

A1 It's a new cap.2 The cat is white.3 You are right.4 Let's go home.5 Mrs.Blue is my teacher.6 Is he a doctor?

⑺ 譯林出版社的四年級牛津英語聽力

沒有 只要你多做練習就行



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