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新目標英語八年級下 unit7
新目標英語八年級下 unit7,包含聽力mp3。


I. 人教版八年級下冊英語聽力MP3

我覺得ABC 天下在線就是業內的佼佼者

J. 誰有新目標八年級下冊英語試卷,要帶聽力的(可以下載mp3的)

( ) I. think she____her homework in two hours.
A.finished B.finishing C.finishes D.will finish
( )2.---Will there be more pollution? ---- _____.
A.Yes,there won』 B.No,there will
C.Yes,there will D.No,there aren』t
( )3.___the child was walking down the road, the UFO landed.
A.While B.After C.As D.Before
( )4.---You borrowed my jacket last week and why didn』t you return
it to me?
---I was ____to meet you at the school gate yesterday,but you didn』t
A.plan B.supposed C.should D.shouldn』t
( )5.I had a hard time with science,so I wasn』t___to receive a____
result from my science teacher.
A.surprised; disappointed B .surprised; disappointing
C.surprising; disappointed D.surprising; disappointing

( )6.She said she would do homework for me, but I refused,because I
___think it___
a good idea.
A.X;was B.X;wasn』t C.didn』t;was D.did wasn』t
( )7.In English.she』s____writing than listening.
A.better at B. better in C.good at D.best in
( )8.Your daughter____worse grades if she____hard.
. A.will get,won』t work B.gets,doesn』t work
C.will get, works D.will get,doesn』t work
( ) 9.Do you want to remind___the rules for the school parties?
A.I to B.me of C.my of D.mine with
( )10.---I』m sorry.I___my homework at home.
---Don』t forget___next time.
A.leave,take B.left,to bring it C.left,taking D.leave,to take
( )11.I hope I will have___car soon.
A.my own B.mine own C.my D.own my
( )12.Don』t bring friends from___schools.
A.other B.each other C.the others D.another
( )13.---I』m going to the party___.---
A.So I am B.So I do C.So am I D.So do I
( )14.She told us that she___soap operas this Saturday.
A.would watch B.will watch C.will see D.would see
( )15.I don』t know___.
A.where is my bike B.what should I do
C.where my bag is D.how does he go to work

(1).閱讀A,B欄的句子,然後在B 欄中分別找到A欄句子的答句。(5分)
16. Why not have the meeting today? A. I think he will be a lawyer.
17. What do you think will Tom be in two years? B.I was in my
18. What was he doing when he saw the child? C. Maybe you should go
to see a doctor.
19. What shall I do? D. If we have the meeting today, the manager
20. Where were you at 8:00 last night? will not attend it.
E. He was reading under the tree.

(2).根據句意從下列方框中選擇句子補全對話, 使句意完整。填寫句子代號.(5分)
A: Summer holidays will begin next month. Are you going back to your
B: No, __________________(21)
A: What are you going to do?
B: Mum will take me to Beijing. _______________(22)
A: She』ll be happy to see you.
B: Yes, we haven』t seen each other for several years.
A: _________________(23)
B: She is an English teacher. She is teaching in Beijing now. But
last year she taught in Changzhou.
A: _________________(24)
B: Yes, she has. She likes traveling. So she always moves to
different places to work.
A: Is she going to work in Qinghai?
B:Yes. ___________________(25)
A: That』s great.
A. We』ll meet my aunt there.B. I went back last summer holiday.C.
What does your aunt do?D. Next year she is going to teach in our
school.E. She has been to many places, hasn』t she?

A young man went into a shop. He wanted to 26 a watch. He saw a
watch that he liked, but the man in the shop 27 ninety pounds for
it. At that time a boy came into the shop, took the watch out of the
man』s 28 and ran out. When the man in the shop ran out into the
street, the boy was already 29 the people.
The young man went 30 . At the next corner he saw the boy with the
stolen watch
31 his hand. 「Would you 32 to buy a fine watch, sir?」 he said in a
low 33 . 「It is only fifty pounds」. The Young man paid at once, and
went back to his room. His friend took a look 34 the watch and said.
「This watch isn』 t worth even ten pounds. I 35 that they planned
this together.」 When he heard this, he was very disappointed.
( )26. A. borrow B. sell C. lent D. buy
( )27. A. paid B. asked C. spend D. used
( )28. A . hand B. room C. desk D. pocket
( )29. A. among B. in C. behind D. between
( )30. A. out B. away C. on D. back
( )31. A. in B. on C. by D. above
( )32. A. like B. want C. need D. enjoy
( )33. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. speaker
( )34. A. for B. at C. after D. up
( )35.A. am sure B. know C. heard D. learned

IV. 閱讀理解(25分)

A. 根據短文內容判斷正誤,正確的寫A,錯誤的寫B。(5分)
Everyone has a name. Names are different in different countries.
Chinese usually have two, three or four Chinese words in a name.
They put their family name first and then the given name. But in
England and America the last name is the family name. To many people
the meaning of the name is important. Fathers and mothers always
want to give beautiful names to girls and great names to boys.
People use Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss before their family name. In foreign
countries children can call their father or mother』s name
directly(直接地). But in China they can never do that because it is not

( )36. In China, the first name is the family names.
( )37. Americans put their family names first.
( )38. If your English teacher is Sally Green, you can call your
teacher Ms Sally.
( )39. Usually, people give boys beautiful names.
( )40. It』s impolite to call your parents』 names in China.

B. 閱讀短文,選出最佳選項。(10分)
A lady wrote a long novel. She sent it to a famous editor (編輯).
After a few weeks the novel was returned to her. The lady was angry.
She wrote back to the editor. 「Dear sir, yesterday you sent back a
novel of mine. How do you know that the novel is not good? You
didn』t read it. Before I sent you the novel, I posted together pages
18, 19 and 20 . This was a test to see whether you would read the
novel. When the novel came back yesterday, the pages were still
posted together. Is this the way you read all the stories that are
sent to you?」
The editor wrote back: 「Dear madam, at breakfast when I have an egg,
I don』 t have to eat the whole egg in order to discover that it is
( ) 41. The title that can explain the story best is __________.
A. A Letter Returned B. A Novel Given Back
C. Testing Whether Reading or Not D. Reading While Eating
( ) 42. The novel was sent back to its writer because__________.
A. some pages of it were posted together
B. the editor checked the novel in a hurry
C. the editor thought it was not good
D. the novel wasn』 t written by the writer herself
( ) 43. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. The editor read the whole novel carefully.
B. There are twenty pages in the novel.
C. Both the editor and the lady were clever.
D. The editor was pleased with her novel.
( ) 44. The lady posted three pages together so as to
A. whether the novel was read through
B. whether the novel was opened
C. whether the novel was stolen
D. whether the novel was broken
( )45. From the story we know that ________.
A. the editor Iikes the novel very much
B. the editor has a good way to read novels
C. the editor has a good way to eat an egg
D. the editor doesn』t like the novel at all

C. 閱讀短文,根據短文內容填空完成答案,每空一詞。(10分)
One day Mr Jackson took Paul to his favourite restaurant. It was a
French restaurant. The waiter was from France. But he didn』t speak
to them in French.. 「Would you like to see the menu?」 he asked in a
kind way. 「Yes, please.」 Mr Jackson said.
The waiter gave them a menu each. They studied them. 「You can spend
only twenty—five dollars,」 Mr Jackson told his son. The waiter asked
Paul, 「What would you like, young man?」
「How much is the tomato soup?」 Paul asked.
「Six dollars,」 the waiter said. 「It』 s very good.」
「How much is the chocolate ice cream?」
「Six dollars,」 the waiter said.
Paul added it up quickly. Six plus fifteen plus six is twenty—seven.
He thought he could have the ck and the soup, or the ck and the
ice cream. 「I』ll have the ck and the chocolate ice cream, please,」
he said to the waiter.
Paul said to his father, 「My meal will cost only twenty—one dollars.
Can I keep the other four dollars?」 His father laughed, 「No Paul,」
he said. 「Leave it for the waiter.」

46. How many menus did the waiter give Mr Jackson and Paul?
He gave them_______ menu(s).
47. How much was the ck?
It cost________ dollars.
48. What does 「studied」 mean in Chinese in the passage?
It means _________.
49. Who would get the other four dollars?
The ________.
50. What does the passage tell us?
It tells us that Paul was ________ not to spend more than $25 in the

V. 閱讀填詞。(10分)
A generation gap(代溝) has become a serious problem. I read a
r_______(51) about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed
t________(52) after quarrels(爭吵) with parents. I think this is
b________(53) they don』t have a good talk with each other. Parents
now s________(54) more time in the office. S________(55) they don』t
have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they
both feel t________(56) they don』t have the same topics(話題) to talk
about. I want to tell p_______(57) to be more with your children,
get to know them and understand them. As for children, show your
feeling t_______(58) your parents. They are the people who
l________(59) you. So tell them your thoughts(想法). In this way, you
can have a b_______(60) understanding of each other.

根據漢語提示及要求, 用英語寫一篇文章。
2)優勢:如果歌唱得好, 就會出名. 出了名,就可以掙很多錢,可以開自己的公司,可以向慈善機構捐款,可以幫助別人,還可以周遊全世界。

1---5 DCABB 6---10 CADBB 11---15 AACAC 16---20 DAECB
21---25 BACED 26---30 DBAAB 31---35 AABBA 36---40 ABBBA
41---45 BCCAD 46.two 47.fifteen 48. 細看 49.waiter 50.careful
51 report 52 themselves 53 because 54 spend 55 So
56 that 57 parents 58 to 59 love/like 60 better
My dream job
When I grow up, I』ll become a singer. If I do well in singing, I』ll
become famous. If I become famous, I』ll make a lot of money. If I
make a lot of money, I』ll have my own company, I』ll give money to
charities and do a lot of work to help others and I』ll travel all
over the world.
However, being a singer can also have many problems. If I am famous,
people will watch me all the time and follow me everywhere. This can
make my life difficult. And if I become rich, I』ll have a difficult
time knowing who my real friends are. But I think I want to be a




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