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發布時間:2020-12-25 15:25:40

『壹』 英語聽力答案


『貳』 考英語聽力答案錯了


『叄』 英語聽力教程4答案


『肆』 致用英語聽力教程2答案


I. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening. Key: 1.attend
2.before hand 3.agenda 4.minutes 5.signing 6.apologies 7.aproves 8. previous 9.items 10.included 11.consensus 12.even 13.casting 14. proxy 15.quorum
2 Core listening. Task 1 Key:
Marketing department: Sales Sales promotion Advertising Human resources department: Recruitment and personnel training
Proction department: Proction control purchasing Manufacturing Quality control Engineering support
Finance department: financial management Accounting
Task 2 Key:
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F
Task 3 Key:
companies lines stages
Tianhe College of Guangdong Polytechnical Normal University
Foreign Language Department
evolution pursuing objective lengthen variations segments flavours
Task 4 Key:
Proct: What to sell
Price: What prices to charge
Place: How it will be distributed and where people will bur it
Promotion: How the proct will be supported with advertising, special activities, etc.
Practical Listening
Listen to the passage and complete the blanks. Market leader market challenger market follower market niches monopoly oligopoly cartel
dominant-firm oligopoly
II Fun Listening Task 1.
1. safe from an attack
2. attainment of group goals 3. various market followers 4. formally organized Task 2.
Smallest sea hug memories stand by my side

『伍』 百度作業幫能看出英語聽力的答案嗎




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