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A. 需五年級英語下冊作業本答案

p20 第一題: B A A A B A B A B 第二題: get up at 5:10 a.m. at 5:30 a.m. go home play football p21第一題 D b Ca Bc Ad 第二題 C 3 A 2 D 1 p22第一題 2 4 1 3 5 6 第二題: A植樹節 3.12 B建軍節8.1 C教師節9.10 D兒童節6.1 E聖誕節12.25 F國慶節10.1 G勞動節5.1 H母親節 May的第二個星期天 I 萬聖節10.31 答案是: 春天:AGH 夏天:BD 秋天:CFI 冬天:E 第三題: hair chair green grass dear bear play today sheep ship sky skate 第23頁 聽力部分 第一題 哭哭笑笑笑 第二題: A B B D C B 第三題: 1.選3 2.選4 3.選1 4.選3 5.選2 6.選1 第四題: 2 4 1 6 5 7 3 第五題: nine October cool birthday October fly kites go hiking climb mountains 第六題: 1.選3 2. 選2 3. 選3 4.選2 第七題: 第八題: girl May 12th fall windy fly kites weekend climb mountains go hiking watch TV 第九題: (1) I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. (2) What do you do on the weekend? (3)Which season do you like best? (4)Because I can swim in the lake. (5)Her birthday is November 15th . 或November 15th is her birthday. (6) My favourite season is summer. 或Summer is my favourite season. 第十題: A B C A B 第十一題: 1. Mike 2. It』s very hot. 3. Winter. 4. No, it isn』t. 5. He can plant flowers in the garden. 6. Yes, she does.

B. 課時作業本開版五年級英語(上)答案

暈 起碼你發題目過來呀

C. 五年級人教版英語下冊聽力材料

尊敬的柳映雪寒:你好! 首先,你不能直接問人要答案,我冒昧的問你一句:「你有沒有腦子?」(對不起)一般情況下,要麼是你低智商,要麼是你沒有好好聽課,要麼是題目太難,要麼是老師腦子不好,給你們做這個課外作業。 第二,你只問我要人教版五年級下冊的英語課外作業的答案。請問,這本書的名字叫《課外作業》嗎? 第三,當你草草地打上「人教版五年級下冊英語課外作業答案」這些字的時候,你又沒有想過,有多少人會有這個答案?要麼老師,要麼正好在做這資料的人,要麼是一個為了積分的人隨便打上幾個字(我承認,我自己也在完成人物,為了5個最佳答案。但我是真心勸你。)。 如果是一位老師給你答案,那就說明這不是一個好老師。如果是正在做這資料的人給你答案,那是在蓄意害你(不好意思,語氣有點重)。如果是一個為了積分的人給你答案,我會感到羞愧,因為我自己也是。 第四,你可不可以發題目。就算別人真心想幫你,也不知道題目呀。 最後,希望你能自己完成作業,加油吧。你才上五年級哦。實在不會,可以問我(我上初中,五年級的題目應該能解出來,而且是按照五年級的解法。因為我妹妹也上五年級,成績不錯哦。在這兒,我毫不撒謊——都是我幫她輔導滴。) 祝你學業有成。加油!

D. 五年級下冊英語課堂作業本答案學子齋完整的





常用於一般現在時的詞語有 sometimes/usually/often/every day(week,year)/ now/always 等。請記住:這些時間詞語只是輔助作用,這些詞語也可用於其它的時態,所以謂語動詞變化才是最關鍵的。

當表現強烈的感情色彩時,盡管有如 always/never/seldom 等頻率副詞,但一般在頻率副詞前加上be動詞,後面變為動詞的現在分詞形式。例:My father loses his key again. He is always losing his key.我的爸爸再一次丟了他的鑰匙。他總是掉鑰匙。

E. 小學五年級上冊英語課堂 作業本答案

五英答案 10 二、1. play chess 2. after school 3. look for 4. read a newspaper 5. play with a yo-yo 6. 打掃圖書館 7. 幫我學英語 三、1. B 2. C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 四、1. × There are some red flowers in the garden. 2. × Are they playing basketball there now? 3. × Can you come and help me with my English? 4.√ 5. × Look! They are playing cards under a big tree. 附:聽力材料: 一、1. The girl with long hair is skating now. 2. They are playing cards. 3. Wang Mei is reading a magazine. 4. Tom and Lily are doing their homework. 5. ---Is Mr Chen reading a picture book? ---Yes, he is. 6. Dingding and Lingling are playing chess. 7. Li Ping is listening to music. 8. Ben is playing with a yo-yo. 二、1. Are you doing housework now? 2. Are they singing? 3. What is she doing? 4. Is the dog crying? 5. What do you like? 6. What』s seven minus two? U8-1 【課堂檢測】 一、1. tent 帳篷 2. children 兒童 3. towel 毛巾 4. stove 爐子 5. blanket 毯子 6. telescope 望遠鏡 二、1. have 2. Do, playing 3.does, has, vase 4. do, They, have, bananas 5. Do, have. 6. Does, tin 【拓展提高】 1. E 2. F 3. H 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. G U8-2 【課堂檢測】 一、1. blanket 2. for 3. tin-opener 4. Show 5. towel 二、C A B B A 【拓展提高】 一、1. There, is, our, school 2. have, hot, dogs, has, juice 3. Are, any, hills 4. does, has, nice/beautiful
五英答案 11 U8-3 【課堂檢測】 一、1. a thin horse 2. a tin of fish 3. each other 4. some fruit 5. 一個野營營地. 6. 在她的帳篷旁邊 7 出示他們的東西 8. 一盒巧克力 二、1. does, have 2. There, are 3. are, there 4. has 5. have 6. Are there 【拓展提高】 camping, have, does, have, has, boxes, Do, put, on 綜合練習七 聽力部分: 一、a b d c 二、15342 筆試部分: 一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 二、1.tins 2.show 3.children 4.has 5.play 三、1. D. in the afternoon 2. D them 3. D on Sunday morning. 四、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 五、1. What, do, have 2. What, is, doing 3. What, does, like 4. Yes, he does. 六、1. Miss Li and her students are at a camping site 2. Gao Shan has two tins of chicken and a tin-apener 3. She is listening to the music. 4. They want to play cards. 附聽力材料 一、1.--- Do you have a blanket, David? ---No, I have some orange juice. 2.---What are you doing, Nancy? ---I』m washing my blanket. 3.---Show us your telescope, Mike. ---OK. Here you are. ---How nice! 4.---Can you give me your tin-opener, Gao Shan? ---Sure. 二、1.---Xiao Ming, what』s on the stove? ---There』s a pot on it 2. ---What』s Wang Jun doing now? ---He』s cooking. Look, there』s some chicken in the pot. 3.---What』s your mother doing? ---She is washing clothes. 4.---Do you like watching TV? ---Yes, we do. 5. ---Grandma, Can you see any stars in the flag?
五英答案 12 ---Yes, I can. U9-1 【課堂檢測】 一、略 二、1. shape, star 2. draw, triangles 3. shape, your, circle. 4. a rectangle 【拓展提高】 一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C U9-2 【課堂檢測】 一、1. be 2. me 3. has 4. sit 5.write 6. he 二、1.C 2. A 三、1. C playing football 2. B is playing 3. B us 【拓展提高】 1. I can see a square, some triangles and rectangles 2. There are two rectangles 3. It』s a triangle 4. No, there isn』t. U9-3 【課堂檢測】 一、1.draw some circles 2.don』t forget 3.have an English lesson 4.wash clothes 5.in the office 6.一些雞肉罐頭 7.在野營營地 8.在圖書館學習 二、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 【拓展提高】 house, shapes, triangles, rectangles, There, diamond, circles, any, only, under 綜合練習八 聽力部分: 一、1.B 2.B 3. A 4. D 5. C 二、略 筆試部分: 一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 二、1. D homework/C 刪除 2. D this evening 3. two tins of 4.C are there 5. A Don』t 三、B G F C A E D 四、1. How, many, triangles, rectangles 2. buy, birthday, for, English 3. forget, draw, a, circle, first 4. blackboard, show, us, to, do 5. What, shape, circle 五、×××√×√ 附:聽力材料
五英答案 13 一、1.My watch is a square. 2.The star card is Miss Li』s 3.My daughter can draw a rectangle. 4.There is a circle box on the table. 5.David is making a model ship in his study. 二、1.Draw five circles in the flag. 2.Please draw four squares on the window. 3.Draw two rectangles on the coat. 4.Draw a star on the cap. 5.Draw four triangles in the picture. 6.Draw three diamonds in the card. U10-1 聽力部分: 一、3 5 2 1 4 二、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 筆試部分: 一、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 二、1. sweep the floor 2. wash clothes 3. play cards 4. read a newspaper 5. look for 6. 幫我學數學 7. 一罐魚肉 8. 畫一個菱形 9. 在那裡 10. 加入我們 三、1. Miss Li usually has lunch at school. 2. We don』t go to school on Sunday. 3. My father can』t play with a yo-yo. 4. She is cleaning the windows. 5. What shape is the sun? 四、D A D B C A D D A B 五、D H F I A G C B J E 六、games, great, have, with, right 七、hungry, food, cat, happy, eat, mouth, mouth, big, can』t, angry 聽力材料: 一、1. The dog is crying and the mouse is laughing. 2. The mouse is eating the dog』s food. 3. The dog is sitting under the bed. 4. The mouse is dancing on the dog』s head. 5. The dog is jumping on the bed. 6. The dog is running after the mouse . 二、1.A:How many cks can you see? B: Five cks are swimming in the river and five cks are eating food. Q: How many cks are there? 2.A: Do you like this chicken? B: No, I like this pig.
五英答案 14 Q: What doesn』t the man like? 3.A:What are they doing? B: Mr Li is playing cards . Miss Wang is singing. Q: What does Mr Li do? 4.A: What does your family often do on Sundays, Mike? B: My parents often wash clothes and sweep the floor. I often clean the desk. Q: What does Mike often do on Sundays? 5.A: Is this your notebook? B: No. The notebook is a square, but my notebook is a diamond. It』s David』s. Q: What shape is David』s notebook? U10-2 聽力部分: 一、1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. B 筆試部分: 一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B 二、1. read a picture book 2. play chess 3. play table tennis 4. in the study 5. 彈鋼琴 6.在花園里 7.在操場 8.畫一個星形 三、C A C A A C B B 四、Can, help, colour, Here, How, much, are, welcome 五、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 附:聽力材料 一、1.Xiao Ming is making a puppet now. 2.I have a tin-opener for this trip. 3.Helen wants a mask very much. 4.My new watch is a diamond. 5.Zhang Hua often sweeps the floor at home. 二、It is our school. It』s big. There are many different rooms in it. There are five table tennis rooms. There are eight reading rooms. There are two computer rooms and two music rooms. There is one TV room.

F. 五年級下冊英語課堂作業本全部答案

1.7:00 4:15 11:30 9:00 8:45
2.✘ ✘ ✔ ✔
3.D C B A

1.A B C C
2.✘ ✔ ✘ ✘
3.(1)get up at 6:00 p.m.
(2)go to work at 7:00 p.m.
(3)eat dinner at 8:00 p.m.
(4)eat breakfast at 5:30 a.m.
(5)go home at 6:00 a.m.
(6)go to bed at 6:30 a.m.
(希望能幫的上忙。)(๑• . •๑)

G. 小學五年級下冊英語課堂作業本答案





H. 英語作業本五年級上冊科普版答案




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