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Ⅰ 七年級英語上冊第八單元b部分2b表格練習

3a 華興服裝店大減價!


Ⅱ 七年級上冊英語聽力原文內容unit8的 急求!!!!!!!!

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

Section A
1a Listen and repeat.
months, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3].
Conversation 1
Girl: When is your birthday, Linda?
Linda: My birthday is on October 2nd.
Conversation 2
Boy: When is your birthday, Mary?
Mary: It』 on January 5th.
Conversation 3
Boy: When is your birthday, Mike?
Mike: My birthday is on June 3rd.

2a Listen and repeat.
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first

2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.
Mr. Smith: Now, Alice, how old are you?
Alice: I』m thirteen.
Mr. Smith: When is your birthday?
Alice: It』s on September 5th, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith: Oh, OK. And how about Frank?
Alice: Frank isn』t here today, but his birthday in on July 4th.
Mr. Smith: Thank you, Alice. And Eric?
Eric: My birthday is on January 17th.
Mr. Smith: On January 17th. OK. And Jane, when is her birthday?
Eric: Her birthday is on August 22nd.
2c Listen again. Match the names, months and dates.

Section B
1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.
John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions?
Sally: Sure, John.
John: When is your birthday party?
Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.
John: OK, and when is the basketball game?
Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it』s on October 2nd.
John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip?
Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th.
John: And when is the English test?
Sally: Oh, that』s on Friday, September 29th.
John: OK. Thank you!
1c Listen again. Fill in John』s calendar.

Ⅲ 新課標英語七年級上冊 第九單元 聽力材料 內容 b部分的內容


Ⅳ 七年級英語第八單元B部分聽力

1b Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.
John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions?
Sally: Sure, John.
John: When is your birthday party?
Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th.
John: OK, and when is the basketball game?
Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it』 on October 2nd.
John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip?
Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th.
John: And when is the English test?
Sally: Oh, that』s on Friday, September 29th.
John: OK. Thank you!
1c Listen again. Fill in John』s calendar.

Ⅳ 英語人教七年級上冊第八單元SB1b聽力材料


Ⅵ 7年級英語上第六單元B部分1c聽力 34頁

1c Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.
Sally: Do you like carrots?
Tom: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.
Sally: How about salad? Do you like salad?
Tom: Yes, I do. It』s great! Do you like vegetables?
No, I don』t like vegetables. Well, only salad. But I like fruit. I like
bananas, oranges ...
Tom: How about apples? I don』t like apples.
Sally: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really like?
Tom: What?
Sally: Ice-cream.
1d Listen again. Fill in the chart.

Ⅶ 誰跟我說說八上英語第八單元B部分的聽力跪求!

什麼意思 沒搞懂你 中文都不好 可想你英語水平 汗

Ⅷ 人教版七年級上冊英語聽力,第八單元Unit8 when is your birthday1b,1c.2b,2c,2d部分


Ⅸ 求八年級上冊英語第八單元B部分聽力資料的翻譯




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