導航:首頁 > 英語聽力 > 六上英語基礎訓練聽力原文


發布時間:2021-02-23 20:46:04

A. 誰有小學六年級上冊英語人教版的英語練習冊的聽力的答案,就是那本藍色的,聽力的答案,我不是抄答案

人教版小學英語三年級上冊 練習冊 聽力部分音頻 是嗎?

B. 六年級上牛津英語(上海版)練習冊聽力

I have one aunt.
Do you have any uncles?
yes,I have two aunts.
how many aunts............
yes,i have tuo uncles
2。joe,do.....any brothers?yes,i have four brothers
how many brothers do you have ,jill?
i don`t have amy brothers.
do you have any cousins?
yes,i have three cousins

a survey
peter 2 2 1 2
joe 2 1 4 3
jill 1 1 0 1

C. 求寫英語聽力原文,六個就夠了。

The Browns have a nice garden. Mrs. Bird givesJonathan, Judy and Paddington each a piece of the garden. Paddington is mostexcited.
Earlythe next morning, all three start to work. Judy makes a flower bed. Jonathanhas his eyes on some old paving stones. Paddington doesn』 know what to do. Inthe end, he decides to look for ideas. Paddington reaches a building near theBrowns』 house. He sees some builders working. He gets some stones from them. Paddingtonwants to make a rock garden. He starts to work. Saturday is the National GardenDay.
There is a George. 「I love your rock garden. It』sgood to see a young bear taking of gardens. Congratulations!」, the George saysto Paddington. Paddington gets a gold star for hisrock garden.

「I want to win!」 the LittlePrincess said. Whenever she played a game at home, everyone lost on purpose.But at school it was different. There were cups there for everything. TheLittle Princess wanted to win them all! She tried her hardest at numbers,but her cousin won the numbers cup. She tried her hardest at painting. Pauliwon the painting cup. 」It』s not fair」, sung the little princess. 」I tried myvery hardest.」 Other students took all the big cups from the shelf. There wasjust one little one left. It was for trying the hardest. The little princesswon it fair.

D. 英語六年級練習冊聽力

see the doctor
2、do more exercise
3、go to the hospital
4、wear warm clothes
5、take a deep breath
6、chase a mouse
7、come here
8、count to ten
9、get up
10、next time

E. 六年級上冊英語人教版新編基礎訓練聽力資料下載


F. 求高考英語聽力寶典1 基礎訓練聽力材料


G. 六年級下冊英語聽錄音原文就就可以出現英語的聽力原文寫上。因為我們必須把聽力原文寫上所有找不到

六下 4單元

你指的是Let's try 部分的聽力原文嗎?



H. 人教版小學六年級英語基礎訓練unit 1 非聽力題目的答案。


I. 六年級上英語評價手冊聽力下載網站(全部)




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