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Ⅰ 最新七年級下冊英語聽力原文翻譯


Ⅱ 新目標英語七年級聽力原文翻譯86面


Ⅲ 求2012年人教版新目標英語七年級下冊聽力原文


Ⅳ 七年級下冊新目標英語聽力材料 MP4

您好,看到您的問題將要被新提的問題從問題列表中擠出,問題無人回答過期後會內被扣分並且懸賞分也將被容沒收!所以我給你提幾條建議: 一,您可以選擇在正確的分類下去提問或者到與您問題相關專業網站論壇里去看看,這樣知道你問題答案的人才會多一些,回答的人也會多些。 二,您可以多認識一些知識豐富的網友,和曾經為你解答過問題的網友經常保持聯系,遇到問題時可以直接向這些好友詢問,他們會更加真誠熱心為你尋找答案的。 三,該自己做的事還是必須由自己來做的,有的事還是須由自己的聰明才智來解決的,別人不可能代勞!只有自己做了才是真正屬於自己的,別人只能給你提供指導和建議,最終靠自己。 您可以不採納我的答案,但請你一定採納我的建議哦!! 雖然我的答案很可能不能解決你的問題,但一定可以使你更好地使用問問哦~~~

Ⅳ 新目標英語七年級下unit8聽力原文

SectionA,1a 1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December 1b,1c 1.A: When is you birthday,Vera? B: My birthday is October tenth. 2.A: When is you birthday,Mary? B: My birthday is January fifteenth. 3.A: When is you birthday,Jeff? B: My birthday is June fourth. 2a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, sevevth, eighth, ninth, tenth,eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth,seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth,thirtieth, thirty-first 2b,2c Teacher: Now, let's fill in the class birthday calendar. Leila, when's you birthday ? Leila: It's September 5th, Mr Fisher. Teacher: Oh, OK.And how about you, Nick? Nick: July 4th. Tecaher: And Robert? Robert: My birthday is January 17th. Teacher: January 17th. OK. And Jane, when's you birthday? Jane: August 22nd. Secition B,2a,2b Joe: Hey, Sally. Can you help me fill in my calendar? Sally: Sure, Joe. Joe: When is you birthday party? Sally: My birthday party is in October 5th. Joe: OK, and when is the basketball game? Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it's October 2nd Joe:, And, um, how about the school trip? Sally: The school trip is September 26th and 27th. Joe: And when's the speech contest? Sally: Oh, that's Friday, September 29th. Joe: Great.

Ⅵ 七年級下冊新目標英語Unit10聽力原文。


Ⅶ 七年級下冊英語聽力原文Unit 2 【新目標】

Section A
1b Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a.

Conversation 1
A: Is there a restaurant on Fifth Avenue?
B: Yes,there is.

Conversation 2
A: Is there a post office near here?
B: Um,yes,there is.There's one on Bridge Street.

Conversation 3
A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street?
B: No,there isn't.

2a 2b
Listen and fill in the blanks
with the words in the box.

Conversation 1
A: Excuse me.Is there a library around here?
B: Yes.It's between the restaurant and the supermarket.

Conversation 2
A: Where's the park?
B: The park? Oh,it's across from the bank.

Conversation 3
A: Excuse me.Is there a supermarket around here?
B: Yes,it's on Fifth Avenue.

Conversation 4
A: Where's the pay phone?
B: It's next to the post office.

Conversation 5
A: Excuse me.Is there a restaurant arount me?
B: Yes.It's in front of the post office.

Conversation 6
A: Where's the hotel?
B: The hotel? It's behind the library.

Section B
2a 2b
Michael: Hey,John.
John: Hi,Michael.
Michael: What are you doing?
Johm: Reading a book.
Michael: Do you want to come over to my house? We can watch a video.
John: OK.Where is your house?
Michael: It's on Bridge Street. It's a quiet street off Fifth Avenue.
John: Oh,OK.I know where that is. There's a new hotel on the corner.
Michael: Yes. There's a small supermarket on the street. Our house is across from the supermarket.
John: OK,I'll see you at two-thirty.

Ⅷ 哪裡有新目標英語七年級下的原文與聽力急啊!!!


Ⅸ 急急急!!!快新目標英語七年級下冊全部聽力材料(就是像磁帶那種),mp3/mp4的都行




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