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發布時間:2021-02-18 08:13:27

① 英語中級聽力答案

Task 1: This Is Your Life!

1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) "This Is Your Life" is __________.
a. the most popular programme on British and American television
b. one of the most popular programmes on British and American radio
c. one of the most popular programmes on British and American television
(2) "This Is Your Life" is a ___________ programme.
a. weekly
b. monthly
c. daily
(3) The programme is recorded in _________.
a. studio 4
b. studio 3
c. studio 2
(4) The programme begins at _________.
a. 6:45
b. 7:55
c. 8:00
(5) The subject of tonight's show will be ___________.
a. Terry Donovan
b. Jason Douglas
c. Pauline
(6) Camera ________ will be at the studio entrance.
a. four
b. three
c. two

2. True or False Questions.
(1) The person invited to "This Is Your Life" does not know that he or she will be the subject of the programme.
(2) The subject can meet only friends and relatives from his or her past at the studio.
(3) Terry Donovan is the compère only for tonight's show.
(4) Jason Douglas will arrive at the studio at eight sharp.
(5) Jason will be sitting in the middle for most of the show.
(6) Usually the guests wait in Room 401 and Pauline tells them when they should enter.

3. Identification. Match each name in Column I with a description in Column II to identify the person.
Column I
(1) Jason Douglas
(2) Terry Donovan
(3) Pauline
(4) Susan Fraser
(5) Stanley Hooper
(6) Maria Montrose
(7) Charles Orson

Column II
(a) Jason's English teacher
(b) the subject of tonight's programme
(c) an actress who worked with Jason in 1974
(d) the compère
(e) a director
(f) the person who waits with the guests in Room 401
(g) Jason's sister

Answer: (1)—; (2)—; (3)—; (4)—;
(5)—; (6)—; (7)—.

4. Complete the following résumé for Jason Douglas.
Name: Jason Douglas
Former name:
Date of birth:
1952: started school
1974: with Maria Montrose
你說的是這個嗎?如果你要的話我這里有啊,你告訴我你的郵箱 我發給你!

② 英語中級聽力答案


③ 求英語中級聽力的文本(答案和聽力原文)

發給你了 查收哈

④ 請問誰有北外出版社《listen to this 英語中級聽力》 學生用書的練習答案(即教師用書裡面有),急求!

我剛好有 希望能幫到你

⑤ 關於英語中級聽力Listen to this2 的用法和重印版答案

1) 本書編於90年代初,內容老化,且較為枯燥;
2) 編排有問題,仔細聽就知道,前面幾課比後邊幾課要難很多;


⑥ 求:英語中級聽力的答案,急用,謝謝!!

這不是要你超,這是靠你學習的程度,不要意味向著作弊,你考大學 高中誰讓你抄啊,都有攝像頭,扭個頭都把你毀啦,所以 樓主努力學習,相信您一定會成功

⑦ 求英語中級聽力答案




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